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This page contains the version history for the Object Inspector Component Suite. The latest patches and updates are available on our Updates & Patches Page. Note: THE OICS uses the RiverSoftAVG Common Classes Library. Please see the RCCL Version History for additional details. ------------------------------------------------------------------- September 29, 2010 Version 1.7.1 - Added support for Rad Studio XE ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sept 7, 2009 Version 1.7 - Added support for Delphi 2010 - Changed help file(s) from WinHelp to HTML Help. Note that there is a known issue with the display to Delphi links (available with WinHelp but not HTML Help) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Jan 31, 2009 Version 1.6 - Added support for Delphi 2009 (Final) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dec 21, 2008 Version 1.6B2 - Changed Install Directory to C:\Comps\RiverSoftAVG to reduce chance of too long path names ------------------------------------------------------------------- Nov 23, 2008 Version 1.6B1 - Changed TRSInplaceEditList.ArrowKeys to use IsLetterOrDigit to get rid of warnings ------------------------------------------------------------------- Nov 16, 2008 Version 1.6B0 - Added support for Delphi 2009 - Modified classes to avoid warnings about collisions with new methods added to TObject (D2009/.NET) - Modified code to use tkStringType (RSConstants) instead of tkString - Changed AnsiXXX functions to normal string functions - Modified code that works with TGRegularExpression to handle string warning changes - Added tkUString to TypeKinds for TRSTFontNamePropertyPreset ------------------------------------------------------------------- Feb 09, 2008 Version 1.5.2 - Fixed bug in BuildSetString function in TRSItemProperty.UpdateChildProperty to properly ignore False values when building the set string. ------------------------------------------------------------------- June 23, 2007 Version 1.5.1 - Added Delphi 2007 support to installer - Fixed access violation in TfrmCollectionEditorDcl.SelectionChanged by ensuring ActiveRoot does not return nil - Made TRSItemProp.HasPickList virtual - Added OnExpanding, OnExpanded, OnCollapsing, OnCollapsed, OnGetExpandable, and OnVisibleChange events to TRSItemProp and TRSCustomItemListEditor - Published OnExpanding, OnExpanded, OnCollapsing, OnCollapsed, OnGetExpandable, and OnVisibleChange events in TRSItemListEditor - Added DoExpanding, DoExpanded, and DoFullExpand protected methods in TRSItemProp - Added DoExpanding, DoExpanded, and IsExpandable protected methods to TRSCustomItemListEditor - Changed Expand, Collapse, FullExpand, and FullCollapse methods in TRSItemProp and TRSCustomItemListEditor classes to use new DoXXX methods - Modified TRSItemProp.IsExpandable method to check for visible children and then call event - Added ability to set item.hint to contents of TStrings (in TRSTStringsPropertyPreset) - Published OnExpanding, OnExpanded, OnCollapsing, OnCollapsed, OnGetExpandable, and OnVisibleChange events in TRSObjectInspector - Overrode TIxDBItemProp methods, HasPickList and GetPickList, to properly return the PickList when the associated field is a lookup field - Fixed TRSDBItemProp.UpdateField method to properly update lookup fields - Published OnExpanding, OnExpanded, OnCollapsing, OnCollapsed, OnGetExpandable, and OnVisibleChange events in TRSDBInspector - Added support for the for-in language construct in TRSItemProps by creating a TRSItemPropsEnumerator class and adding GetEnumerator public method - Added support for the for-in language construct in TRSCustomItemListEditor by creating a TAllRSItemPropsEnumerator class and adding GetEnumerator public method - Added support for the for-in language construct in TRSInspectorObjects by creating a TRSInspectorObjectsEnumerator class and adding GetEnumerator public method - Added support for the for-in language construct in TRSItemProperties by creating a TRSItemPropertiesEnumerator class and adding GetEnumerator public method - Added support for the for-in language construct in TRSPropertyPresets by creating a TRSPropertyPresetsEnumerator class and adding GetEnumerator public method - Added support for the for-in language construct in TRSCustomObjectInspector by creating a TAllRSItemPropertiesEnumerator class and adding GetEnumerator public method - Added support for the for-in language construct in TRSDBItemProps by creating a TRSDBItemPropsEnumerator class and adding GetEnumerator public method - Added support for the for-in language construct in TRSDBInspector by creating a TAllRSDBItemPropsEnumerator class and adding GetEnumerator public method - Improved installer ------------------------------------------------------------------- March 2, 2007 Version 1.5 - Added DB Inspector component (TRSDBInspector)!!! - Inspect and modify multiple TDataSets (through their TDataSource connections) at design-time or run-time - Display all the fields (only fields that support text display and edits, e.g., no images) of multiple data sources in a hierarchical type format by using separate Items collections - Show one record or multiple records from dataset(s) - Control each field individually for format, edit mask, etc - Mix non-data aware items with data aware items - Filter fields - Categorize fields (e.g., similar to Delphi's Category display in the object inspector) - Display the same data source or DB field in different parts of the inspector. - View Fields Vertically or Horizontally - Made TRSCustomItemListEditor.SetGridCount method virtual and protected - Fixed bug where calling TRSCustomItemListEditor.Categorize would sometimes use the TRSCustomItemListEditor.Items.Categories instead of the passed in Categories TStrings parameter - Added TILEFilterOption and TILEFilterOptions type - Fixed TRSItemProp.Validate method to reraise EAbort exceptions - Modified TRSItemProp.DoValidateError to make a *copy* of the exception to avoid access violations if the exception is raised again - Published TRSCustomObjectInspector.DeleteBlanks property - Fixed bug in TRSCustomObjectInspector.RemoveFilterProperties where EListError could occur if removed an Item that had children - Added TRSCustomObjectInspector.FiltersEnabled and FilterOptions properties - Added TRSCustomObjectInspector.IsFiltered protected method - Modified TRSItemProperty.DoValidateError to not call inherited method anymore - Changed classes to raise EOICSException ------------------------------------------------------------------- February 8, 2007 Version 1.4 - Changed TRSItemProp.CreateItems to create child collection items using the TRSItemProp ClassType - Added EOICSException class and changed classes to raise EOICSException - Added OICSVersion constant - Fixed bug in TRSCustomItemListEditor.KeyDown method to properly update the edit list when a carraige return is pressed (the wrong value was getting stored and was messing up RestoreCurrentItem method - Fixed bug where TRSCustomItemListEditor.RestoreCurrentItem would incorrectly blank out the item because RestoreCurrentItem was being called AFTER the Editlist had already focused away ------------------------------------------------------------------- October 22, 2006 Version 1.3 - Created TRSItemProp and TRSCustomItemListEditor methods: DoValidate, DoValidated, and DoValidateError - Created TRSItemProp and TRSCustomItemListEditor OnValidated and OnValidateError events - Changed TRSItemProp and TRSCustomItemListEditor Validate methods to use the new DoValidate, DoValidated, and DoValidateError methods instead - Published TRSItemListEditor's OnValidated and OnValidateError events - Created TRSItemPreset OnValidated and OnValidateError events and updated methods to assign them in the pftValidate action - Fixed TRSItemProperty.Validate method to raise a ERSException instead of Exception - Changed TRSCustomObjectInspector.ListUpdating method to call HideEditor - Fixed bug in BuildSetString function in TRSItemProperty.UpdateChildProperty to properly check the GetEnumValue result and raise an exception if it is invalid (set members wouldn't raise an exception before) - Published TRSObjectInspector's OnValidated and OnValidateError events - Moved the code from TRSItemProperty.Validate method to TRSItemProperty DoValidated and DoValidateError methods ------------------------------------------------------------------- March 19, 2006 Version 1.21 - Changed TRSCustomObjectInspector.ListUpdating method to call HideEditor instead of InvalidateEditor - Fixed bug where properties are always sorted in object inspector - Added CopyToClipboard and PasteFromClipboard methods to TRSCustomObjectInspector - Fixed bug where Ctrl-LEFT ARROW and Ctrl-RIGHT ARROW keys don't work ------------------------------------------------------------------- February 08, 2006 Version 1.20 - Updated because of RiverSoftAVG Common Classes Library update ------------------------------------------------------------------- December 22, 2005 Version 1.19 - Updated because of RiverSoftAVG Common Classes Library update - Updated the help file to include the new methods introduced in v1.18 ------------------------------------------------------------------- December 14, 2005 Version 1.18 - Official release for Delphi 2006 - Added TRSItemProps.ItemByName property - Added Duplicates default parameter to AddCategory, which controls whether we should create two categories of same name. The default is True to simulate the old behavior - Added TRSItemProps methods: RemoveCategory, DeleteCategory, and ClearCategories - Added 2 more TRSCustomItemListEditor.Categorize methods, which unlike the other categorize methods, will categorize the top level items ------------------------------------------------------------------- November 8, 2005 Version 1.17 - Installers have had a massive overhaul - Compiled files are now installed to <INSTALLDIR>\Bin\W32\Dxx or <INSTALLDIR>\Bin\NET\Dxx and path is updated WARNING: BE SURE TO UNINSTALL PREVIOUS FILES WHICH MAY BE IN $(DELPHI)\Projects\Bpl DIRECTORY - Added .bdsproj files to Delphi 2005+ versions - Attempts to detect if evaluation or full versions are being installed and warns about incompatibilities - Smarter updates of registry - Added missing registry updates (Package Search Path, Namespace Search Path, etc) ------------------------------------------------------------------- October 2005 Version 1.16 - Rebuilt because of missing files in the RiverSoftAVG Common Classes Libarary ------------------------------------------------------------------- September 2005 Version 1.15 - Fixed bug in changing display of Column titles for TRSCustomObjectInspector where the property name cell could still be selected (Thanks Dmitriy) - Fixed bug in TRSCustomObjectInspector.SetDisplayOptions where changing the doMultiColValues set membership could cause a variant error if a cell was selected - Surfaced TRSItemListEditor.DeleteBlanks property - Fixed bug in TRSCustomItemListEditor.SetColumnTitles where it would change the Fixed Column or Row to display rows and columns for a changed orientation even when orientation wasn't changing - Fixed bug in TRSCustomItemListEditor.SetOrientation where it wouldn't set the fixed column or row correctly because we fixed SetColumnTitles method above - Fixed bug in the ObjectInspectorTest application where it would inspect the Multi-Column checkbox instead of modifying inspection options - Very slightly sped up the TRSItemProperty.SetXXXProperty methods when inspecting lots of objects by taking the call to FullPathPropName out of the loop - Added Simple INI Editor Example to demos - Added Select and Focus Example to demos - Updated help file ------------------------------------------------------------------- January 2005 Version 1.14 - Updated for Delphi 2005 (Win32) - Fixed error in TRSCustomItemListEditor.VisibleChanged where an expanded, visible item which had all of its children changed to not visible would still show the children (Thanks BG) ------------------------------------------------------------------- May 31, 2004 v1.13 - Installation script is much smarter about managing the different Delphi versions - Made TRSItemListEditor.FixedRows property public - Made TRSItemListEditor GridACount, CurGridA, FixedGridA (Col) and GridBCount, CurGridB, FixedGridB (row) properties public - Made TRSObjectInspector GridACount, CurGridA, FixedGridA (Col) and GridBCount, CurGridB, FixedGridB (row) properties public - Fixed bug in IsEmptyItem where it would attempt to use then wrong item because it would not take into account FixedRows or FixedCols ------------------------------------------------------------------- December 7th, 2003 v1.12 - Added FAQ.txt file - Fixed TRSPropertyPreset.Matches method to always call the OnMatchPreset event if there is one - Removed SetOnXXX event methods from TRSPropertyPreset because they didn't work for updating the Actions property. - Added protected TRSItemProp.IsVisibleItem method which returns if the item is visible (disregarding if the parent is visible) - Changed TRSItemProp.IsVisible and TRSItemProp.GetVisibleChildCount methods to use IsVisibleItem - Added public TRSItemProp.HasVisibleChildren method - Fixed TRSCustomItemListEditor to NOT draw +/- for items which do not have children that would be visible - Fixed TRSCustomItemListEditor.AddVisibleItem to correctly insert item's whose visibility has changed and are whose directly previous sibling is not visible ------------------------------------------------------------------- December 1, 2003 v1.11 - Fixed installer to include latest help file - Fixed installer to include the PasLex package, the Common Classes Library added HelperFunctions.pas, which created a dependency for the PasLex package - Fixed TRSItemProperty.SetXXXProperty methods to store AbsoluteIndex in a local variable to avoid an access violation if the act of setting the property caused it to be freed - Fixed TRSItemProperty.SetXXXProperty methods to call PropertyChanged, not all were doing so ------------------------------------------------------------------- November 28, 2003 v1.1 - Updated Help file - Added ability to TRSCustomObjectInspector to display the items of a TStrings property as subitems pseudo properties. Subitems may be sorted or not and if the TStrings contains Name=Value pairs, the Name may be used as the Item Name - Added InplaceTStrings, StringsItemFormat, and InplaceTStringsOptions properties to TRSCustomObjectInspector - Moved TRSInvalidateProperty record from RSObjectInspector to RSMessages - Fixed TRSItemProps.AddFullPath method to append only bottom level items... e.g., even if Append=True, the method will try to use an existing path - Modified many presets to redeclare their properties with new defaults because streaming wasn't working right if user set properties back to old defaults - Modified the TRSPropertyPreset to write out if a TStrings property is empty. It was causing a problem if the user cleared a TStrings that was only being stored if count > 0. The preset would fill the TStrings and the streaming would not clear it out. - Added AssignEvents to TRSItemProp - Fixed TRSTDateTimePropertyPreset to preserve time portion of date time when changing date using editor - Modified TRSTDateEditor to return mrOk if calendar clicked or mrCancel if escape key is pressed - Added TRSPropertyPresets.IndexOf(String) method - Added CreateEditor protected method to TRSTDateTimePropertyPreset and TRSTDatePropertyPreset - Added TRSInplaceEdit.LoadPickList public method - Added UnregisterPresets functions to RSObjectInspector.pas - Modified finalization of RSPropertyPresets.pas to call UnregisterPresets - Changed TRSTComponentPropertyPreset.GetPickList method to use GetObjectPropertyClass instead of IsMatchClassName function - Changed TRSCustomObjectInspector.BeforeScan to be a function that returns whether scan of item's subproperties should occur or not - Fixed Bug where TRSCustomObjectInspector.OnBeforeScan of top level could not prevent scanning by setting DoScan to True - Fixed TRSTDate/TRSTTime/TRSTDateTime property presets to use SetFloatProp in set method (SetPropValue didn't work) - Fixed bug in TRSCustomObjectInspector.GetCell which was preventing of display of item values when IsAllEqual was False, even when only one object was being inspected - Fixed Assign method for TRSTFilenamePropertyPreset and TRSTStringsPropertyPreset - Fixed bug in TRSItemProperty.UpdateProperty where if the item was not a property, the OnSetProperty would not be called - Fixed TRSInplaceEditList to use font from cell - Fixed TRSInplaceEditList to disable button clicks when item.enabled is False (edit button clicks are still available with readonly is True though) - Fixed TRSPropertyPreset to stream out the Actions property LAST, when it was streamed out first, other properties could change Actions by mistake - Changed TRSItemProperty to update RealPropName to Name if RealPropName is empty string - Changed TRSItemProp.Items.Sorted to initialize to its collection sorted property FIRST before looking at the editor. So by default, children's children are sorted (or not) as they are sorted ------------------------------------------------------------------- October 05, 2003 v1.01 - Added RSVCLReg to distribution. Needed for demo project - Fixed bug where user would double click quickly to change row and drop down button and drop down would not occur - Fixed bug where double clicking on a preset event in the object inspector would cause an access violation - Fixed bug where selected an item in Delphi's Object TreeView would not be reflected in the collection editor - Changed EVALUATION version to make the name of TPersistent properties reflect that any subproperties will not be displayed ------------------------------------------------------------------- September 26, 2003 Final Release, v1.0 - Added Reset Button to Presets Property Editor - Changed Selected property for TRSCustomObjectInspector to TRSItemProperty - Fixed DisplayKinds to not include property types we cannot inspect (Array, Dynamic Array, Record) - Fixed Code for displaying Interface properties. Interface properties which support IInterfaceComponentReference can have the subproperties of the TComponent displayed if InplaceComponents is TRUE - Added TRSFilenamePropPropertyPreset preset, a descendant of TRSTFilenamePropertyPreset, which provides a file dialog for properties called 'Filename' ------------------------------------------------------------------- September 24, 2003 Beta Release 6 - Completed Help Files! - Fixed Installer to properly add the packages to Delphi. It puts the bpl and dcp files in the $(DELPHI)\Projects\bpl directory - Cleaned up TRSItemProperties by overloading properties and methods and changing their type from TRSItemProp to TRSItemProperty - Fixed error in TRSCustomObjectInspector.BuildCollectionItemProperty method where code was incorrectly setting up multiple selected items display in one Value column - Changed TRSItemProperty.ValidateChild method name to UpdateChildProperty - Added ability to display more than one collection editor - Some minor optimizations - Made collection editor (TfrmCollectionEditor) resizable and it is no longer stay on top - Fixed bug when inspector is displaying multiple columns and all inspected objects is cleared, it would leave the extra columns - Added SelectNone to collection editor (TfrmCollectionEditor) - Created entirely new TfrmCollectionPropertyDcl (RSCollectionPropertyEditorDcl unit) for Delphi Design-time editing of presets, which avoids any copyright issues with Borland's version - Created entirely new TRSTListItemsDialog (RSTListItemsDialog unit) for editing of list items and tree nodes, which avoids any copyright issues with Borland's version - Deleted RSPresetsColnEditor unit - Deleted RSTListItemsEditor unit - Deleted RSTTreeNodesEditor unit - Fixed access violation when an inspected class property did not have any ClassInfo (=nil) in TRSCustomObjectInspector.BuildCommonProperties ------------------------------------------------------------------- September 3, 2003 Beta Release 5 - Updated Help Files, cleaned up table of contents too - Changed installer to InnoSetup and added features to automatically install the libraries and help into Delphi. Special thanks to F.B. for the tool to install help into Delphi. - Fixed bug with setting design-time properties of items and then correctly streaming them in - Fixed memory leak in TRSItemProps which was not freeing the Categories TStrings object - Fixed memory leak in TRSCustomItemListEditor.CalcHintRect which was not freeing a font - Fixed access violation on RefreshValue and GetInstance when the underlying property has disappeared (can happen with collection items being freed) - Surfaced HintWindow allowing design-time modification of hint window - Added OpenDialog properties to the TRSFilenamePropertyPreset - Fixed HintWindow bug where decision to show hints was incorrect because of not taking indentation of the Name column into account - Fixed bug with selected cell being lost when Orientation was changed - Fixed bug with displaying correct font because TRSItemProp.ParentFontChanged was not propagated properly when normal items and category items were mixed ------------------------------------------------------------------- August 14, 2003 Beta Release 4 - Updated Help File, especially the important TRSPropertyPreset help - Added TListItems editor (RSTListItemsEditor.pas) and preset to invoke editor - Added TTreeNodes editor (RSTTreeNodesEditor.pas) and preset to invoke editor - Added ShowItemHintStyle property and OnShowHints event to TRSCustomItemListEditor - Deleted propUseHint enumerated value from PropertyOptions - Created TRSHintWindow component to properly display the hints/values of each item as mouse moves over their cells - Cleaned up TRSPropertyPreset class - Added mtParentPropertyName, mtParentFullPropertyName, mtParentPropertyType to MatchTypes - Inclusive Flag works properly now, basically the NOT operation for matching - Added ParentPropNames, ParentTypeKinds, and ParentTypeNames properties for the new Match Types - Cleaned up Match Function - Added TRSTParentComponentPropertyPreset preset, which, when combined with TRSTComponentPropertyPreset preset, ensures you can inspect a subcomponent property is red and its properties are green - Fixed bug in painting caused by HideSelection property - Fixed bug when changing to categories and get a list index exception - Fixed Unique Name bug where non-unique property names was not being caught all the time - Published RowCount property in TRSItemListEditor - Cleaned up FontChanged code - Created TRSDeltaFont class which tracks how a font has been changed from a base font, which allows smart updates of the derivative font when the base font changes. - Changed ValueFont, ValueChangedFont, CategoryFont and TitleCaptionFont to TRSCustomDeltaFont classes internally in TRSCustomItemlistEditor, also changed Font and ValueFont in TRSPropertyPreset to TRSCustomDeltaFont. Now, if the base "Font" changes, the derivative font will be changed relative to the base font. For example, ValueFont is based on Font with the Color equal to clNavy. If the Font changes, ValueFont will change as well but retain the clNavy color. NOTE: ValueFont will not change with old projects because the object inspector has ParentValueFont equal to FALSE!!!!!! NOTE #2: The corresponding XXXFont classes in TRSItemProp were NOT changed - Deleted ParentValueFont, ParentCategoryFont, and ParentTitleCaptionFont properties from TRSCustomItemListEditor component as they were no longer needed NOTE: ParentValueFont property was kept in the TRSItemProp class - Published TRSObjectInspector.DisplayKinds property - Fixed bug in TRSItemStrings.Insert method which would not insert non-unique name strings - Fixed bug in TfrmRSStringsEditor to accept non-unique names Known Bugs/Limitations/Enhancements: - Decided to schedule adding ability to add an inspected object at any point of the hierarchy to a future release (v2.0?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- August 3rd, 2003 Beta Release 3 - Added New Design-Time Package, RSObjectInspectorDclDXX, and made the old package a run-time package - Added TRSCustomItemListEditor.Orientation property allowing vertical (default) or horizontal display of properties. The Horizontal display is especially useful for top level properties and using the new Multi-Column/Row Display - Added Multi-Column (or Row) Item Value Display (doMultiColValues flag in TRSCustomItemListEditor.DisplayOptions) - Added Presets Collection Property Editor for design-time editing of presets and adding specific preset types - Added TRSCustomObjectInspector.DynamicTitleCaptions property to control whether Title Captions uses the TitleCaptions property or calculated from the Component name/Class name of the inspector objects - Updated Help File - Fixed bug in set element properties where double clicking the property would change the value and then lose focus - Fixed bug in rescan which would allow a rescan even if Objects.UpdateCount > 0 - Fixed Date Editor Preset bug where the Date Editor form appeared in the wrong position - Added TRSCustomObjectInspector.InvalidateScan method which queues a message for the object inspector to rescan when it is ready. This fixes bugs where calling rescan immediately would cause access violations because Items would be destroyed as they were being used in event handlers and methods - Fixed Set Member Not Updating on Refresh Bug - Fixed Set Member not Display when two or more Objects were being inspected even if it was equal in all objects - Fixed Collection Editor Dialog so you can multi-select columns with previously inspected objects properly - Fixed TRSPropertyPreset.Matches method to use GetObjectClassProperty instead of GetObjectProperty for matching classname - Modified TRSItemProperty.GetXXXProperty and SetXXXProperty methods to pass a default Index parameter, which specifies the object to get or set from in TRSCustomObjectInspector.Objects - Added Drag and Drop to Collection Editor - Added Add Preset Class Menu Items to Collection Editor if Collection is TRSPropertyPresets - Fixed bug where double-click an enumeration property would not change the property to the next value in the enumeration Known Bugs/Limitations/Enhancements: - Hints are not working - Intermittently, fonts are different for some properties when they shouldn't be - First Character typed in TRSItemListEditor is sometimes thrown away - Presets should be allowed to have multiple ParentClassNames, needs to be changed to TStrings - Presets Match Function does not always work as expected - Consider adding ability to add an inspected object at any point of the hierarchy ------------------------------------------------------------------- July 20, 2003 Beta Release 2 - Updated Help File - Added DisplayKinds to TRSCustomObjectInspector to control which properties are loaded - Changed Default Font Color for ValueFont and ValueFontChanged to clNavy to more accurately reflect Delphi's Object Inspector - Setup includes missing .res files and history.txt file - Fixed Infinite Loop bug if the Object Inspector inspects itself with InplaceCollections=TRUE (Items property was growing infinitely as it inspected Items property) - ColCount and Scrollbars are no longer published properties for TRSObjectInspector - Fixed divide-by-zero bug in TRSCustomItemListEditor.AdjustColWidths when ColCount <= 1 - Added TitleCaptionFont and ParentTitleCaptionFont properties to TRSCustomItemListEditor - Fixed Bug with WordBool properties from ActiveX controls - Fixed bug that RTTI reports properties that do not exist according to ActiveX control, which caused an exception - Fixed bug where you could select rows by clicking the Property column - Fixed bug in showing ValueChangedFont for items that were set to their default - Added ability to resize columns outside of the fixed column headings - Fixed TRSItemListEditor where it was throwing away typed entries (also fixes INI editor) - Added INI Strings: TStrings Editor preset for TValueListEditor and TRSItemListEditor - Fixed bug where sometimes more than one click was necessary to select a cell Known Bugs/Limitations/Enhancements: - Hints are not working - Intermittently, fonts are different for some properties when they shouldn't be - First Character typed in TRSItemListEditor is sometimes thrown away - Presets should be allowed to have multiple ParentClassNames, needs to be changed to TStrings - Presets Match Function does not always work as expected - Consider adding ability to add an inspected object at any point of the hierarchy ------------------------------------------------------------------- July 2003 Beta Release 1 Initial Beta Release |
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