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Defglobals have the following syntax:


(defglobal [?*<variable-name>* = <global-value>]*)


where <variable-name> must be a unique name and

<global-value> =<constant>|<function-call>


Note: Brackets ([) and (]) define optional elements of the construct.  The (|) character defines an or condition.  An asterisk (*) defines zero or more of the preceding element (or disjunction of elements).  A plus sign (+) defines one or more of the preceding element.


Valid DefGlobal Definitions


valid defglobals are:



   ?*X* = 1

   ?*Y* = (time)

   ?*Z* = (+ 10 (* 2 4)))



   ?*my-name* = "Tom Grubb")


Invalid DefGlobal Definitions


(defglobal ?*my-name*="tom grubb") <- There MUST be a space after the name and before the equals

(defglobal ?*my-name* = tom grubb) <- Grubb is considered the start of a new defglobal, enclose the value in quotes 

RiverSoftAVG Products Help © 1996-2016 Thomas G. Grubb