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Navigation: Code Documentation > RSFMXCommon > FMX.RS.CanvasHelper > Classes > TFMXCanvasHelper > Methods

TFMXCanvasHelper.AngleArc(Integer,Integer,Cardinal,Single,Single,Single) Method

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Draws an arc on the image along the perimeter of the circle defined by the parameters.

The AngleArc method draws a line from the current position to the starting point of the arc and then a counterclockwise circular arc to the arc endpoint. The arc traverses the perimeter of a circle whose center lies at (X,Y) and whose radius is Radius. The arc is drawn following the perimeter of the circle, counterclockwise, from the StartAngle with a sweep angle of SweepAngle.

If the sweep angle is greater than 360 degrees, the entire circle is drawn and part of the arc is drawn multiple times.

The current position is updated to the arc endpoint.


This FMX version of the method adds a default Opacity parameter at the end of the parameters. This allows you to take advantage of the FMX ability to draw transparently to the canvas. Alternatively, don't set this parameter and it works exactly like the VCL TCanvas method.

Namespace: FMX.RS.CanvasHelper



Type: Integer


Type: Integer


Type: Cardinal


Type: Single


Type: Single


Type: Single

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