Create an OnCustomFunction event handler to write your own functions. Note that the OnCustomFunction event handler is called for every Period in the SourceChart.
You only need to write the function itself and for adding value(s) to the TargetChart. The TRSCustomChartFunction class does all the housekeeping necessary for preparing the TargetChart (e.g., calling BeginUpdate/EndUpdate, clearing values)
The OnCustomFunction event is only called if the FunctionType is cftCustom. |
Namespace: FMX.RS.ChartFunction
Delphi |
public |
Type: TRSChartFunctionEvent
If you function needs information outside the period (for example, to compare your value to the maximum for the whole SourceChart), you can use the OnExecutingFunction event and OnExecutedFunction event, which are called once each (before and after respectively). |