Contains all the sub-charts in the chart-in-chart. Each sub-chart ( RSCharts.TRSChartInChartValue ) may be its own sub-chart (SubChart), shape (Style) as well as size (Width and Height), Color, Caption, etc. When a sub-chart is added to the collection, it is initialized to the DefaultShape but with no sub-chart (unless specified). Use the Values collection to add, delete, and modify subcharts in the chart. If the SubChart has its Owner property set, the Owner controls the lifetime of the subchart. Otherwise, the Values will take care of freeing the memory for the subchart when it is deleted.
Sub-charts are drawn from first to last through the collection, so later sub-charts are "on top" of earlier sub-charts |
Namespace: RSCharts
Delphi |
published |
Property Value
Type: TRSChartInChartValues