Contains the collection of points that make up a line chart. Each RSCharts.TRS2DChartValue item in the collection defines one point (X and Y). The line chart connects the points using the LineStyle. Use the Values collection to add, delete, and modify points in the chart.
Namespace: RSCharts
property Values: TRS2DChartValues read GetValues write SetValues stored IsValuesStored;
Property Value
Type: TRS2DChartValues
The following code sets the line style connecting chart points and then adds 2 chart points:
Value: TRS2DChartValue; // note, this type should be the same that the chart uses (e.g., TRS2DChartValue, TRSArrowChartValue, etc)
RSLineChart1.LineStyle := lsStairStep;
RSLineChart1.Enabled := [bcLine];
// Add first point
Value := RSLineChart1.Values.Add;
Value.Color := clRed;
Value.X := 10.0;
Value.Y := 15.0;
// Add second point
Value := MyChart.Values.Add;
Value.Color := clRed;
Value.X := 20.0;
Value.Y := 15.0; // y value is the same so this will be a horizontal line segment