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High/Low/Average Charts & CandleStick Charts

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High/Low/Average Charts are a specialized bar chart where the bar shows from low to high.  The thin horizontal line is the average.
High/Low/Average Charts are a specialized bar chart where the bar shows from low to high.  The thin horizontal line is the average.
CandleStick Charts are a combination of line-chart and a bar-chart: each bar represents all four important pieces of information for that day: the open, the close, the high and the low"
CandleStick Charts are a combination of line-chart and a bar-chart: each bar represents all four important pieces of information for that day: the open, the close, the high and the low"
CandleStick charts show the bar from the open to close; the color of the bar indicates if open is greater than or less than close.  The line (with optional end caps) show the high and the low.
CandleStick charts show the bar from the open to close; the color of the bar indicates if open is greater than or less than close.  The line (with optional end caps) show the high and the low.
CandleStick Charts can be displayed in many different styles.  Here, we are using a CandleLine style.
CandleStick Charts can be displayed in many different styles.  Here, we are using a CandleLine style.

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RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) © 2005-2015, Thomas G. Grubb