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Charts, as well as the Chart Panel, are full-fledged controls in FMX.  When you display a chart stand-alone (Panel property is nil), you can interact with a chart like any other control.  Here, we apply a magnification effect to the line chart and a Wave Effect Animation to the Graph Chart
Charts, as well as the Chart Panel, are full-fledged controls in FMX.  When you display a chart stand-alone (Panel property is nil), you can interact with a chart like any other control.  Here, we apply a magnification effect to the line chart and a Wave Effect Animation to the Graph Chart
The TRSLegendListBox and TRSChartLegendBox are also stand-alone controls.  Here, we are using the TShadowEffect on a TRSChartLegendBox.
The TRSLegendListBox and TRSChartLegendBox are also stand-alone controls.  Here, we are using the TShadowEffect on a TRSChartLegendBox.
Some chart types expose a custom draw chart value event.  In this case, we are changing the color to Green if over 75 and to Red if under 25.  Also, we are adding a diamond using the custom draw code
Some chart types expose a custom draw chart value event.  In this case, we are changing the color to Green if over 75 and to Red if under 25.  Also, we are adding a diamond using the custom draw code

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RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) © 2005-2015, Thomas G. Grubb