The Period and PeriodValue properties define the period for a function, i.e., over what time span or value range should the function be called. The Period divides the SourceChart values collection into chunks (usually based on a time span) and calls the FunctionType for every chunk.
The PeriodValue may be a percentage (between 0 and 1) or an Index Range. For example, call the function for 25% (PeriodValue=0.25;Period=cfpPercentageCount) of the SourceChart values, or call the function for every 5 (PeriodValue=5;Period=cfpIndexRange) SourceChart values.
Namespace: RSChartFunction
Delphi |
public |
Property Value
Type: TRSChartValueType
PeriodValue is only used for cftIndexRange, cftTimeRange, cftPercentageCount, and cftPercentage Periods. |
The following code divides up the SourceChart values into increments of 2 hours and 30 seconds each:
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