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Returns the number of dimensions in the chart value. A chart value, depending on the chart type, can contain 1 or more dimensional values that define the chart value.

For example, each chart value in a bar chart contains 1 value (defining the height of the bar), line chart values contains 2 dimensions: X and Y, and shape chart values contain 4 dimensions: X, Y, Width, and Height.

Use the Values property to access each dimension in the chart value. The Value property in comparison returns the main (or only) dimension in a chart value - which dimension is returned is based on the chart type.


Note that TRSChartValue descendant classes expose properties, such as X and Y, which are safer to access the specific dimension of the value. You should not count on a specific dimension index to contain a specific property

Namespace: RSChartPanel



  property ValueCount: Integer read GetValueCount;

Property Value

Type: Integer


The following code builds a string containing the Caption for the value and all of the floating point numbers contained in the TRSChartValue:


    i: Integer;
      result := Caption + ' = ';
      for i := 0 to ValueCount - 1 do
           result := result + FormatFloat( Fmt, Values[i] );
           if i < (ValueCount - 1) then
              result := result + ', ';

expandingSee Also

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RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) © 2005-2015, Thomas G. Grubb