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Changes for GACL v5.x

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The RiverSoftAVG Genetic Algorithms & Programming Component Library (GACL) v5.0 adds many new features to the Genetic Algorithms & Programming Component Libary.  The major changes are listed below.  Please see the history.txt file for more detailed information on changes.


hmtoggle_plus1Improved Documentation

The documentation has been vastly improved by using Documentation Insight and Help & Manual:

Help Insight for RiverSoftAVG Genetic Algorithms & Programming Component Library (GACL)
Help available as Code Comments, CHM help file, and Online Help



hmtoggle_plus1Genetic Programming

The headline feature of GACL v5.0 is the addition of a rebuilt from the ground up Genetic Programming components.

Completely rebuilt from the ground up Tree-based Genetic Programming with Functions, Constants, and Variables
Generics-based Genetic Programming implementation
6 Initialization Methods (Full, Grow, Half and Half, Ramped Full, Ramped Grow, and Ramped Half and Half)
3 Basic Genetic Operations (crossover, mutation, and inversion)
6 Different Mutation Methods (Subtree, Replacement, Constant, Shrink, Hoist, and Point)
17 Different Bloat Control Strategies (Limit Size or Depth, Tarpeian Size or Depth, Unfit Size or Depth, Shrink Size or Depth, Hoist Size or Depth, Size Fair or Depth Fair Crossover, Size or Depth Parsimony Pressure, Covariant Size or Depth Parsimony Pressure, and Lexicographic Parsimony Pressure)
Executor component for executing your winning genetic programs
Genetic Programming XML Schema for saving and loading genetic programming problems and solutions



hmtoggle_plus1Custom Genetic Component Base Class

The GACL added a new base class, TRSCustomGeneticComponent, which contains the common code between genetic algorithms and genetic programming.


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