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TRSGAGene.SetGeneAsInt64(TRSEncodedBits,Integer,Int64) Method

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Writes the value into the Bits chromosome parameter. The function allows write access to the bits as 64-bit integer values. The equivalent    GeneAsInt64 method provides read access. The SetGeneAsInt64 function will translate 64-bit integer values into the chromosome bits, irregardless of the type specified in    GeneType. In other words, the gene does not enforce types, it just helps you to translate bits into a type. You should use the GeneType property to determine the type of the gene before using the accessor functions.

Note: The TRSGAGene class automatically stores the appropriate value using the correct size in the Bits chromosome using the    Size property but allows you to specify where in the bits the gene should be stored. The overloaded SetGeneAsInt64 method will also automatically use the    Offset property.

Namespace: RSGeneticAlgorithm



  procedure SetGeneAsInt64(Bits: TRSEncodedBits; Offset: Integer; Value: Int64); overload; virtual; 



Type: TRSEncodedBits


Type: Integer


Type: Int64

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