HSA Version History
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This page details the version history forHelpScribble Apprentice, our free adjunct tool for HelpScribble users.

November 24, 2012 v0.9.9.95
         - Updated code to work with Delphi 2009+ and RichEdit 2.0
         - Added Web Link to Edit Link Dialog
         - Added Fix Delphi Links wizard which replaces the {LinkDelphi=} links
           with internet links to the docwiki.embarcadero.com
         - Added ability to build help file without saving .hsc file first
         - Miscellaneous bug fixes
         - Disabled the Syntax Highlighter macros until updated with UNICODE
         - Changed Help from .hlp to .chm
         - Updated HelpScribble Diff Utility
              - Updated code to work with Delphi 2009+ and RichEdit 2.0
              - Changed code to use a supported diff object (not as pretty though :-( )
              - Added ability to filter out unchanged topics
              - Changed link of topics to a table, which can be sorted by ID, Title or Difference

February 29, 2008 v0.9.9.94
	 - Added History Saves, now HelpScribble Apprentice automatically saves up
           to 10 of the previous versions of your file
	 - Added WindowName to Define Links window of the Class Hierarchy Wizard
         - Added THSLink.WindowName property
         - Fixed THSLink.GetDisplayName bug, where Format didn't receive
           correct number of arguments

June 20, 2006 v0.9.9.93
	 - Modified Create Link dialog to allow you to set window the topic should display in
	 - Added Window to TOC entries
	 - Fixed code to handle links with window names in them (e.g., LinkID=10>main) - Thanks SM
         - Changed THSTopic.SetContextString to not allow an empty context
           string (as per HS)
         - Added THSTopics.IndexOfContext method
         - Fixed THelpScribbleDoc.UpdateLinks method to handle links with
           window definition names in them
         - Added WindowName to THelpScribbleDoc.CreateLink methods

June 2006 v0.9.9.92
         - Updated HelpScribble Apprentice and HelpScribble Diff to be compatible with
	   latest file version from HelpScribble v7.6
	 - Added "Automatically Collapse Table of Contents" option to preferences form

March 2006 v0.9.9.91
         - Fixed using wizards menu so that it populates the checklist box
         - Fixed class hierarchy wizard so that it does not append to
           hierarchies that already exist
         - Fixed class hierarchy wizard to accurately define links for
           class topics that are in the current HelpScribble file

February 2006 v0.9.9.9
         - Added powerful new Copy Class Topic Texts wizard (available from the Wizards menu)
         - Disabled actions which affected topics when not in Topic Editor page
           and disabled actions which affected Table of Contents when not
           in Table of Contents page
         - Fixed CreateNewClassMember method to only put run-time symbol
           for properties in the class member page
         - Made the incremental search of the Table of Contents faster
           and case-insensitive
         - Added shortcut keys for forward (Ctrl-Alt-H) and backward
           (Ctrl-H) through history list
         - Changed cursor to hourglass on long searches
         - Fixed bug in Move wizard where an access violation would occur
           if there were ToDo items
         - Drastically increased the speed of deleting multiple topics at a time
         - HelpScribble Apprentice automatically detects topic ids out of
           order on load and fixes them (this causes a problem when HelpScribble
           attempts to generate a file
         - Fixed bug where trying to compile a helpscribble file with spaces
           would fail
         - Fixed TextMacros to apply font name and size when using the
           specialized code formatters

December 2005 v0.9.9.8
         - Added ToDo capability
                 - ToDos can be general for the entire help file or tied to a
                   specific topic
                 - Create a help file.todo file that contains all the ToDos for
                   a help file
                 - Created ToDo page where you can manage ALL todos
                 - Display ToDos for a topic in the object inspector when
                   that Topic is selected
         - Added Create New Class Member (Property/Method/Event) dialog
         - Added Undo for Sort Ascending/Descending text
         - Fixed Sort Descending to work with wordwrap like SortAscending
         - Fixed New Topic to work around HelpScribble Compiler error where it
           would give a list index out of bounds if a topic was 1 line only

October 2005 v0.9.9.7
        - Changed Topic Memo to allow user to insert tabs into the memo
        - Added Copy Links to See Also function, which copies all linked text within
          the current topic to the See Also topic (it also creates the See Also
          topic if needed)
        - Added Find Next menu item
        - Added drop down list of navigation history topics
        - Added Sort Children and Sort Descendants popup menu items to Table
          of Contents Editor
        - Fixed bug where Topic History was not getting cleared when
          a new document was created
        - Fixed bug where Topic Editor would not clear when a new
          document was created
        - Fixed bug where Find Dialog would not update text you had changed
          before going to next topic
        - Fixed Sort Lines bug where if lines had been word wrapped, the sorting
          would give incorrect results
        - Fixed bug where editing multiple topics didn't work because
          needed to ProcessMessages first
        - Fixed Access Violation in GetHyperLink which occurred when
          the editor was empty and the user was pressing the select
          hyperlink button (CTRL)
        - Fixed bug where the Topic Editor would not immediately update
          its Topic Title when the Topic Title was changed in the Object
        - Improved help file with new topics and a better index

August 2005 v0.9.9.6
        - Added ability to launch HelpScribble to compile helpscribble files from
          within HelpScribble Apprentice
        - Added HelpScribble Executable location to preferences and its dialog
        - Added ability to detect helpscribble files being changed outside of HelpScribble
          Apprentice and giving user option to reload
        - Added ability to view help file (does not recompile HelpScribble file
          before viewing though)
        - Fixed DefineLinks to give a filename dialog for selecting Filename for
          a link
        - Fixed Scaling problems between large/small fonts (don't scale :-) );
        - Fixed bug where Cut, Copy, Paste, and SelectAll were not available in the
          Find or Replace dialogs

June 2004 v0.9.9.5
        - Added First Topic, Previous Topic, Next Topic, and Last Topic actions
          to Topic menu
        - Changed Next Topic and Previous Topic actions to use Ctrl-Alt Up/Down
          Arrows instead of Ctrl Up/Down Arrows
        - Fixed Previous Topic and ext Topic Actions to correctly update the
          current topic before going to the next one

June 2004 v0.9.9.4
        - Added Control-Clicking of numbers to navigate to that
          topic within the same help file
        - Major Speed Increases in working with multiple topics
        - Added HelpScribble Apprentice to Start menu
        - Added ability for all status types (writing, done, etc) to have their
          own font for display
        - Added ability for preferences to change any status font
        - Added Blazingly Fast Move (Renumber) Topics Wizard
        - Modified Hierarchy Wizard to detect if a class already has a hierarchy
          topic and use that one instead
        - Wizards now select the items they modified after running
        - Added FindLink menu item
        - Modified THSProjectOptions.HelpFileType to be an enumeration
        - Command Line Parameters now accept HelpFileType as either 0, 1, 2, or
          ft16Bit, ft32Bit, ftHTML
        - Added THelpScribbleDoc.FindLink method
        - Fixed access violation when running the Hierarchy Wizard twice
        - Added ability to multicheck items in the wizards' checklistbox
        - Fixed Caption to update when File Save As executes
        - Added more overloaded FindLink methods to THelpScribbleDoc
        - Fixed THelpScribbleDoc.CreateLink methods to strip path from filenames
        - Fixed Bug in Topic List Click where documents would be marked modified
          even if they had not been yet
        Known Bugs/Issues:
              - Undo stack doesn't update until focus changes in certain situations
              - Undo doesn't work with Table of Contents yet
              - Undo creates copies of current document, for large documents,
                this can be slow and memory intensive, you may want to set
                Undo stack to 0 (off) for large documents
              - Move Topic Wizard removes formatting statements from within the
                hidden part of the link
              - Move Topic Wizard does not update links within the SHG files
                (does not know how to read them)

March 2004 v0.9.9.3
        - Added THSWebExportOptions and THSProjectOptions.WebExportOptions
          property to make HelpScribble Apprentice compliant with
          HelpScribble version 13 files (introduced in HelpScribble 7.3.1)
        - Added Command Line Parameters to automatically load a help file,
          change its options, and optionally save and Exit.  Using these
          parameters and the new HelpScribble command line options, you can
          automate building help files using batch files.  For example, you can
          use HelpScribbleApprentice to change the HelpFileKind of a help file
          and then use HelpScribble to build the help file
        Known Bugs/Issues:
              - Undo stack doesn't update until focus changes in certain situations
              - Undo doesn't work with Table of Contents yet
              - Undo creates copies of current document, for large documents,
                this can be slow and memory intensive, you may want to set
                Undo stack to 0 (off) for large documents

September 2003 v0.9.9.2
        - Added Find and Replace Dialogs
        - Added Opened Document Title to Form Caption
        - Fixed loading of Table of Contents
        - Fixed serious save Table of Contents corruption
        - Updated Object Inspector fixes various bugs
        - Added Font and WritingFont to HelpScribbleDoc and Preferences
        - Added new link types for specific Delphi Properties, Methods, and
          Events, e.g., TCustomGrid.ColCount instead of any ColCount
        - Added new Delphi Type link type (doesn't always work)

        Known Bugs/Issues:
              - Undo stack doesn't update until focus changes in certain situations
              - Undo doesn't work with Table of Contents yet
              - Undo creates copies of current document, for large documents,
                this can be slow and memory intensive, you may want to set
                Undo stack to 0 (off) for large documents

July 2003 v0.9.9.1
        - Fixed bug in wizards that was caused by including status in Topic Names
        - Fixed bug in Define Links Form for Class Hierarchy Wizard which displayed
          the Cancel Button's properties ( Oops. :-) )
        - Modified the Class Hierarchy Wizard to bold the link for the current
          level in the hierarchy

        Known Bugs/Issues:
              - Undo stack doesn't update until focus changes in certain situations
              - Undo doesn't work with Table of Contents yet
              - Undo creates copies of current document, for large documents,
                this can be slow and memory intensive, you may want to set
                Undo stack to 0 (off) for large documents

June 2003	v0.9.9.0
        - Added Topic Undo (For Topic Deletions, Insertions, Etc) Stack
        - Added Project Options Dialog
        - Added Support for Text Macros
        - Added Extra Source Code formatting Text Macros for C++, XML, SQL,
          JScript, VB, VBScript, and DFM
        - Added Font Name and Font Size combo boxes
        - Added Format Menu
        - Correctly queries user to save for when file is modified
        - Updated Editor so Topic Text Title is updated when Title is changed
          in object inspector
        - Fixed List Exception when pasting a single topic into an empty document
        - Improved Titles of properties in Topic Inspector
	- Fixed Link Editor to sort topics in ComboBox by topic or ID
	- Fixed Link Editor to display topic id with text
        - Fixed THSTopic to correctly update ContextString and BrowseSequenceNum
          when pasting
        - Fixed THSTopic to correctly initialize ContextString on Create
        - Fixed THSTopic.Assign method to not assign ContextString
        - Fixed Shortcuts in Edit Link Form

        Known Bugs/Issues:
              - Undo stack doesn't update until focus changes in certain situations
              - Undo doesn't work with Table of Contents yet
              - Undo creates copies of current document, for large documents,
                this can be slow and memory intensive, you may want to set
                Undo stack to 0 (off) for large documents

May 2003	v0.9.0.8
	- Updated HelpScribble Apprentice to read HelpScribble v7.1 files
        - Improved Error Handling in Object Inspector
        - Added Recent Files Menu
        - Added Persistence of position of main form

February 2003	v0.9.0.6
	- Updated HelpScribble Apprentice to read HelpScribble v7.0 files

January 2003	v0.9.0.5
	Initial Release

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Copyright © 2002-2016 RiverSoftAVG
Last modified: September 20, 2010