Represents a task or activity within an Activity On Edge network ( ActivityNetwork.TActivityNetwork component). The TAOETask class is an edge within the graph.
A task within an activity network uses the
Weight property to specify the time the task will take. The TActivityNetwork component can then use its methods to fill in each task's properties.
Namespace: ActivityNetwork

Returns the criticality of each task, e.g., the difference between the latest and earliest start time. This number gives the time by which an activity may be delayed or slowed without increasing the total time to finish the project. Every task whose earliest start time equals its latest start time (difference is 0) are called critical activities.
The GetEarliestCompletionTime method of the TActivityNetwork component calculates and fills in the Criticality, EarliestStartTime and LatestStartTime properties.

Earliest time that the task may be started based on the tasks and events before it in the network. For example, if the task preceding this task takes 10 seconds, at the very least, the current task cannot start until 10 seconds after the project starts.
The GetEarliestCompletionTime method of the TActivityNetwork component calculates and fills in the Criticality, EarliestStartTime and LatestStartTime properties.

Specifies the node from which this edge is starting from. The ToNode property specifies the node to which the edge is going.
In an undirected graph, the FromNode and ToNode nodes are equivalent.
The FromNode and ToNode properties are set in the constructor.

Latest possible start time for a task that can occur without lengthening the total project time. If the latest start time equals the earliest start time, this task is a critical task.
The GetEarliestCompletionTime method of the TActivityNetwork component calculates and fills in the Criticality, EarliestStartTime and LatestStartTime properties.

Returns the name of the task.
If this property is not defined (set to ''), this property will return FromNode.Caption + ' --> ' + ToNode.Caption

Specifies the node to which the edge is going. The FromNode property specifies the node from which this edge is starting from.
In an undirected graph, the FromNode and ToNode nodes are equivalent.
The FromNode and ToNode properties are set in the constructor.

Represents the weight or cost for traversing the edge. This property can be used to set up travelling salesman or similar problems. (Inherited from GGraph.TWeightedEdge.)