Overloaded. Adds an empty (0,0,0) vector to the list.
Call Add to add a vector to the list. For multithreading purposes, the list is locked before the adding operation begins and unlocked afterwards.
The function returns the index at which the newly added vector is found.

Overloaded. Adds a vector to the list.
Call Add to add a vector to the list. For multithreading purposes, the list is locked before the adding operation begins and unlocked afterwards.
The function returns the index at which the newly added vector is found.

Copies the input List vectors to the current list. The current list is cleared.
Copies of the vectors are copied to the list, not references to the current vectors in the input List.

Clears the vector list.
Call Clear to remove all the vectors from the list.
The list only stores pointers to the vectors. Clearing the list does not delete the vectors; it only decreases the reference count by 1. The vectors are freed when there are no more references to them.

Creates a copy of the vector list including copies of the vectors in the list.

Deletes a vector from the list.
Call Delete to delete a vector from the list.

Returns true if the current vector equals the input vector. All vectors in the list must equal as well for the function to return true.

Swaps the position of two vectors in the list.
Call Exchange to move the vector at position Index1 so that it appears at position Index2 and move the vector at position Index2 so that it appears at position Index1. Index1 and Index2 identify two positions (zero offset) in the Items property array.

Returns the first vector in the list.
Call First to obtain the first vector in the list.

Provides direct access to a vector in the list.
Use Get to directly access a vector in the list. Index identifies each vector by its position in the list.
Accessor method for Items property.

Returns the list capacity, i.e., how large the list can grow before it needs to reallocate the list.
Accessor method for Capacity property.
Required by VCL.Net

Specifies the number of vectors in the list.
Use GetCount to determine the number of interfaces in the list.
Accessor method for Count property.

Returns the list capacity, i.e., how large the list can grow before it needs to reallocate the list.
Accessor method for Capacity property.
Required by VCL.Net

Specifies the number of vectors in the list.
Use get_Count to determine the number of interfaces in the list.
Accessor method for Count property.
Required by VCL.Net

Provides direct access to a vector in the list.
Use Get to directly access a vector in the list. Index identifies each vector by its position in the list.
Accessor method for Items property.
Required by VCL.Net

Returns the index of a vector.
Call IndexOf to obtain the index of a vector.

Inserts a vector into the list at a specified position.
Call Insert to insert a vector into the list. Item is the vector to insert, and Index indicates the position (zero-offset) where the vector should be added.

Returns the last vector in the list.
Call Last to obtain the first vector in the list.

Prevents other threads from accessing the list.
Call Lock to lock the list, preventing other threads from accessing the list.

Provides direct access to a vector in the list.
Use Put to change a vector in the list. Index identifies each vector by its position in the list.
Accessor method for Items property.

Removes a vector from the list.
Call Remove to remove a vector from the list. For multithreading purposes, the list is locked before the removing operation begins and unlocked afterwards.
Remove returns either the index of the removed vector or –1, if the interface was not found.
The list only stores pointers to the vectors. Removing a vector from the list decreases the vectors reference count by 1. The vector is freed only if there are no more references to it.

Specifies the list capacity.
Use SetCapacity to determine the list capacity. Before adding many vectors to the list, you can improve performance by setting Capacity to the final number of vectors. This prevents the list from having to reallocate the list every time an interface is added.
Accessor method for Capacity property.

Specifies the number of vectors in the list.
Use SetCount to determine the number of interfaces in the list. Setting Count to a larger number adds new, empty vectors to the list.
Accessor method for Count property.

Specifies the list capacity.
Use set_Capacity to determine the list capacity. Before adding many vectors to the list, you can improve performance by setting Capacity to the final number of vectors. This prevents the list from having to reallocate the list every time an interface is added.
Accessor method for Capacity property.
Required by VCL.Net

Specifies the number of vectors in the list.
Use SetCount to determine the number of interfaces in the list. Setting Count to a larger number adds new, empty vectors to the list.
Accessor method for Count property.
Required by VCL.Net

Provides direct access to a vector in the list.
Use Put to change a vector in the list. Index identifies each vector by its position in the list.
Accessor method for Items property.
Required by VCL.Net

Unlocks the list, allowing other threads to access it.
Call Unlock to unlock the list so that other threads can have access to the vectors it contains.