Defines the base class for a heap. The TCustomHeap class defines some common denominator methods and properties for implementing a heap.
A heap is a complete binary tree where every node's value is guaranteed to be greater (or lesser depending on Order) than its children's values. The Count is 0 to Max-1.

Defines a heap which sorts the items in the heap based on their floating point priorities.
A heap is a complete binary tree where every node's value is guaranteed to be greater (or lesser depending on Order) than its children's values. The Count is 0 to Max-1.

Extends THeapElement to provide a heap element that defines an floating point priority, which is used to sort heap elements in a heap.
A heap is a complete binary tree where every node's value is guaranteed to be greater than its children's values.

Defines a queue or FIFO (First In, First Out) list of objects sorted by priority. The priorities are single precision, floating point numbers.
Use the Push method to add items to the queue (and preserve sort order) and the Pop method to return the top item in the queue

Defines a heap which uses a user passed Compare function to sort the object items in the heap.
A heap is a complete binary tree where every node's value is guaranteed to be greater (or lesser depending on Order and its comparison function) than its children's values. The Count is 0 to Max-1.

Defines base class for heap element. The heap element stores an object in the heap element,
A heap is a complete binary tree where every node's value is guaranteed to be greater than its children's values. This class manages a node in the binary tree. Descendant classes override this class to provide the sorting node value.

Defines a heap which uses a user passed Compare function to sort the interface items in the heap.
A heap is a complete binary tree where every node's value is guaranteed to be greater (or lesser depending on DataStructures.TIHeap.Order and its comparison function) than its children's values. The DataStructures.TIHeap.Count is 0 to Max-1.

Defines base class for heap element. The heap element stores an interface in the heap element,
A heap is a complete binary tree where every node's value is guaranteed to be greater than its children's values. This class manages a node in the binary tree. Descendant classes override this class to provide the sorting node value.

Defines a heap which sorts the items in the heap based on their integer priorities.
A heap is a complete binary tree where every node's value is guaranteed to be greater (or lesser depending on Order) than its children's values. The Count is 0 to Max-1.

Extends THeapElement to provide a heap element that defines an integer priority, which is used to sort heap elements in a heap.
A heap is a complete binary tree where every node's value is guaranteed to be greater than its children's values.

Defines a queue or FIFO (First In, First Out) list of objects sorted by priority. The priorities are integers.
Use the Push method to add items to the queue (and preserve sort order) and the Pop method to return the top item in the queue

Defines a queue or FIFO (First In, First Out) list of interfaces sorted by a user passed Compare function to sort the object items in the queue.
Use the DataStructures.TIPriorityQueue.Push(IInterface) method to add items to the queue (and preserve sort order) and the DataStructures.TIPriorityQueue.Pop method to return the top item in the queue.

Defines a priority queue, where items of the same priority are stored
in an ordered list.
This class is NOT like a regular heap in that items of the same priority can be ordered by how they are added to the ordered list. Every item of the heap is an orderedlist where the actual added items are put.

Represents type TPriorityQueue.

Defines a base class for an ordered list based on the generic TList<TObject>.

TRSObjectQueue maintains a first-in first-out array, or queue, of items. Use a TRSObjectQueue object to store and maintain a first-in first-out list.
To use the class properly as a queue, use the DataStructures.TRSObjectQueue.Push(TObject) and DataStructures.TRSObjectQueue.Pop methods, not Add or Items.

Maintains a last-in first-out (LIFO) array, or stack, of items.
Use a TRSObjectStack object to store and maintain a last-in first-out list. The TRSObjectStack object descends from DataStructures.TRSObjectQueue class.