Represents namespace FMX.RS.BubbleCharts.

The TRSBubbleChart component is a FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChart descendant that represents a bubble chart.

Each chart value ( FMX.RS.BubbleCharts.TRSBubbleChartValue ) is displayed as one bubble in the bubble chart. The size of the bubbles can represent the area of the bubbles or the diameter of the bubble (controlled by the SizeOption property of TRSBubbleChartValues), which affects the relative size of one bubble to another.
Bubble sizes can be negative values, although negative bubbles do not display in the chart by default ( NegativeSizeVisible must be true). When negative bubble sizes are displayed, they use their absolute size and are always drawn using the NegativeSizeColor.
Important Note
Note that for drawing purposes, the bubble size is proportional to the greatest bubble size in the collection of bubbles. Only the largest bubble is drawn with its correct diameter or area.
Charts are TGraphicControl descendants for VCL and TControl descendants for FMX. Display charts on a chart panel (with integrated axes, legend, header, footers, etc) or stand-alone (allowing use of FMX effects or embedding within other controls). Set the Panel property to the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartPanel you want the chart displayed inside or nil for stand-alone use.

Extends the FMX.RS.Charts.TRS2DImageChartValue class to provide the properties and methods needed to describe one bubble of the TRSBubbleChart component. The TRSBubbleChartValue class uses the Size property to specify the size of the bubble. The size of the bubbles can represent the area of the bubbles or the diameter of the bubble (controlled by the SizeOption property of FMX.RS.BubbleCharts.TRSBubbleChartValues ), which affects the relative size of one bubble to another.
Bubble sizes can be negative values, although negative bubbles do not display in the chart by default ( NegativeSizeVisible must be true). When negative bubble sizes are displayed, they use their absolute size and are always drawn using the NegativeSizeColor.
Important Note
Note that for drawing purposes, the bubble size is proportional to the greatest bubble size in the collection of bubbles. Only the largest bubble is drawn with its correct diameter or area.

Defines the collection of all bubbles in a bubble chart ( FMX.RS.BubbleCharts.TRSBubbleChart component). A bubble chart is made up of a collection of bubble values ( FMX.RS.BubbleCharts.TRSBubbleChartValue), where each TRSBubbleChartValue defines the information for one bubble for the chart. The TRSBubbleChartValue class defines the properties of a bubble, including Caption, Color, and Size. The TRSBubbleChartValues collection defines the collection class and common properties to all bubble values, such as SizeOption, DimensionCount, MaxValues, and MinValues.
Note that the TRSBubbleChartValues collection provides built-in support for limiting the number of values in the collection (using the Limit property).

Represents type TRSBubbleChartValuesEnumerator.