Represents property CenterTimePeriod.

Controls whether the function class should execute. When Enabled is True, the PerformFunction method will be called every time the ValueChanged IChartPanelListener method executes.

Defines the function to apply to the SourceChart to generate the TargetChart values
To define a custom function, set FunctionType to cftCustom and create an OnCustomFunction event handler

Represents property Modified.

Use the OnExecutedFunction event for handling tear down or finalization code for your custom function. The occurs just after the function finishes executing but before the TargetChart's EndUpdate method is called.
Unlike the OnCustomFunction, the OnExecutedFunction is only called once.

Use the OnExecutingFunction event for handling setup or initialization code for your custom function. The occurs just before the function starts executing but after the TargetChart's old values have been deleted.
Unlike the OnCustomFunction, the OnExecutingFunction is only called once.

The Period and PeriodValue properties define the period for a function, i.e., over what time span or value range should the function be called. The Period divides the SourceChart values collection into chunks (usually based on a time span) and calls the FunctionType for every chunk.
The predefined period values (Second, Minute, Hour, ... Year) ignore the PeriodValue property.
The predefined Period values (Second, Minute, Hour, ... Year) automatically divide the SourceChart into their time equivalents. Note that the time periods start at the beginning of the time unit until one millisecond before the beginning of the next time unit. For example, Minute divides a time period into 01:00.000 to 01:59.999.

The Period and PeriodValue properties define the period for a function, i.e., over what time span or value range should the function be called. The Period divides the SourceChart values collection into chunks (usually based on a time span) and calls the FunctionType for every chunk.
The PeriodValue may be a percentage (between 0 and 1) or an Index Range. For example, call the function for 25% (PeriodValue=0.25;Period=cfpPercentageCount) of the SourceChart values, or call the function for every 5 (PeriodValue=5;Period=cfpIndexRange) SourceChart values.

Defines the input or source chart for the function. The function uses the SourceChart values to create values for the TargetChart

Defines the input source dimension to apply the function on

Defines the output or target chart for the function. The function transforms the input SourceChart values and adds values to the TargetChart
Important Note
The old TargetChart values are deleted every time the function executes

Defines the output target dimension to apply the function on