
The Brush property, along with the Pen property, controls how the chart draws to the canvas. By changing the Brush's or Pen's values, you can change the appearance of the chart.
For example, by changing the Brush.Style property, you can change the pattern used to fill areas with a RSCharts|TRSAreaChart or pie slices with the RSCharts|TRSPieChart. Depending on the type of chart, the Brush property also controls the Color of the chart (e.g., for pie charts, setting the Color property or the Brush.Color property is equivalent.
Some chart types use Brush and Pen values from the TRSChartValue descendant class itself. In which case, these properties are ignored.

Provides a string for describing or identifying the chart. The FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartPanel component will display the Caption in its Legend depending on LegendStyle and if the coShowInLegend is in the chart Options.

Specifies what color the chart uses for its appearance. Depending on the chart type, the Color property will change the color of the Brush or of the Pen that the chart draws with.
For example, for a TRSAreaChart, the Color property changes the Brush color, which is used to fill the areas in the chart. For the TRSLineChart, the Color property changes the Pen Color, which is used to draw the lines in the chart. Note that if coColorEachPoint is in the Options property, the chart will use each individual TRSChartValue's Color property instead.

Defines the color list to use when new chart values are created. When a chart value is created and a color is not specified, the object will get a new color based on the next color in the list. If the list is at the end, the new color will be the first color in the list.
Set the ColorList property directly to define your own custom color scheme. Set the ColorScheme property to use one of the predefined color lists.
The new color list will be applied to the existing chart values.

Defines the color scheme to use when new chart values are created. When a chart value is created and a color is not specified, the object will get a new color based on the next color in the color scheme.
Setting the ColorScheme property sets the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChart.ColorList property. Set the ColorList property directly to define your own custom color scheme.
The new color scheme will be applied to the existing chart values.

Specifies the Cursor to display when the mouse is over the chart

The FirstIndex and the LastIndex properties define the indices of the Values that are currently being drawn in the chart.
Usually, these properties are equivalent to 0 for the FirstIndex and Values.Count-1 for the LastIndex. However, when the TRSChartPanel component has been zoomed, these properties reflect the point just before the first point in the zoomed area and the point just after the last point in the zoomed area (this ensures the visual aspect of the chart by allowing, for example, lines to be drawn into and out of the zoomed area. The FirstIndex and LastIndex properties provide more efficient access to only the values that are currently being drawn.
For charts that don't have an easy visual ordering (such as a shape chart where depending on sizes things can overlap), the FirstIndex and LastIndex will be the entire Values collection.

Specifies the font used to draw each value's Caption. Captions are drawn if coLabelEachPoint is in the Options property. Set Font to specify the font to use for writing text in the chart.
To change the font color in FMX, set the FontFill property

Specifies the brush, including color, to use for filling text

Specifies the group that the chart belongs to. All charts with the same Group, use the GroupStyle property to work together. For example, bar charts can be stacked.

Use the GroupIndex property to specify the ordering of the charts in a group at design time

Defines the way that charts of the same Group are grouped visually.

Specifies what type of HorizontalAxis the chart is bound to.

Specifies the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartAxis object that the chart is bound to for the horizontal (X) axis. This axis controls the range of values that will be drawn for the chart. The chart uses this axis to convert its internal Values into pixel values and vice versa.
You should never directly convert the chart's values to canvas coordinates, use the chart's HorizontalAxis and VerticalAxis to call the AxisToPixel method. A chart's values are consistent with the chart only and have nothing to do with the canvas. These values specify chart graphical elements in floating point format and ignore any visual issues, such as is the chart zoomed. Every chart is bound to a horizontal axis (top or bottom) and vertical axis (left or right) of the chart panel. The axes are responsible for tracking if the view is zoomed, what are the min and max values etc. Call the AxisToPixel method to convert your chart value into the correct canvas value.

The FirstIndex and the LastIndex properties define the indices of the Values that are currently being drawn in the chart.
Usually, these properties are equivalent to 0 for the FirstIndex and Values.Count-1 for the LastIndex. However, when the TRSChartPanel component has been zoomed, these properties reflect the point just before the first point in the zoomed area and the point just after the last point in the zoomed area (this ensures the visual aspect of the chart by allowing, for example, lines to be drawn into and out of the zoomed area. The FirstIndex and LastIndex properties provide more efficient access to only the values that are currently being drawn.
For charts that don't have an easy visual ordering (such as a shape chart where depending on sizes things can overlap), the FirstIndex and LastIndex will be the entire Values collection.

Tracks the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.IChartPanelListeners which are listening for changes to this chart. The TRSCustomChart class uses this list to automatically notify listeners when the chart or its values change.
Add a class to this list in order for it to receive change events from the chart.

Represents property LocalHorizontalAxis.

Represents property LocalVerticalAxis.

Specifies how far above the origin of the axis (in chart units) the chart should start drawing.

Occurs when the chart changes. Write an OnChange event handler to respond to when the chart (or any its Values) change.

Occurs when the chart visibility changes. Write an OnVisibleChange event handler to respond to when the chart is shown or hidden

Controls the chart's appearance as well as behavior. See RSChartConsts|TChartOption for more information.

Specifies the Panel to draw the chart on. Set Panel to a TRSCustomChartPanel instance to draw the chart on the panel. The Parent of the chart will be automatically set to the panel.
Set Panel to nil to draw the chart by itself.
Drawing a chart on a chart panel allows more control displaying the chart, including zooming, legends, axes, etc. However, drawing a chart by itself is also useful and you can apply effects in FMX, such as TShadowEffect, for visual pizazz.

Specifies which color scheme to use when new chart values are created with default color values. If Panel is not nil and this property is True, then the chart panel's ChartColorScheme is used. Otherwise, the ColorScheme is used

Determines where a chart looks for its font information. To have the chart use the same font as its Panel panel, set ParentFont to true. If ParentFont is false, the chart uses its own Font property. The charts by default set ParentFont to true so that all the charts on a chart panel present a uniform appearance. When the value of a chart's Font property changes, ParentFont becomes false automatically.

Determines where a chart looks for its color information for selected values. To have the chart use the same SelectionColor as its Panel panel, set ParentSelectionColor to true. If ParentSelectionColor is false, the chart uses its own SelectionColor property. The charts by default set ParentSelectioinColor to true so that all the charts on a chart panel present a uniform appearance. When the value of SelectionColor property changes, ParentSelectionColor becomes false automatically.

The Brush property, along with the Pen property, controls how the chart draws to the canvas. By changing the Brush's or Pen's values, you can change the appearance of the chart.
For example, by changing the Pen.Width property, you can change the line sizes for drawing the lines in a RSCharts|TRSAreaChart or between pie slices in the RSCharts|TRSPieChart . Depending on the type of chart, the Pen property also controls the Color of the chart.
Some chart types use Brush and Pen values from the TRSChartValue descendant class itself. In which case, these properties are ignored.

A design-time property that controls how the chart streams its Values. When Preview is True (the default), the Values are not streamed out when the chart is saved. When Preview is False, the Values will be saved into the form file and automatically loaded at run-time. Anytime you change a Value at design-time, this property will become False. Set this property to True if you don't want the Values saved.

Specifies the color for a selected value ( FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.Selected )

Represents property State.

Specifies the format string for displaying TRSChartValue.Values floating-point number as a string
This property is used when the ValueLabelStyle is ltsValue, ltsCaptionNValue, etc.

Defines the style of the chart's labels, e.g., whether the labels are numeric, Caption, or a combination.
Use the ValueLabelFormat property to control the format of labels when they are numeric.

Defines the collection of all points or values in a chart. A chart is made up of a collection of values ( FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue ), where each TRSChartValue descendant defines the information for one point, one pie slice, one shape, etc for the chart.
The TRSChartValue class defines the base value class and common properties to all values, including Caption, Color, and Values. The FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues collection defines the base collection class and common properties to all collection of values, such as DimensionCount, MaxValues, and MinValues.
Note that the TRSChartValues collection provides built-in support for limiting the number of values in the collection (using the Limit property).

Specifies what type of VerticalAxis the chart is bound to.

Specifies the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartAxis object that the chart is bound to for the vertical (Y) axis. This axis controls the range of values that will be drawn for the chart. The chart uses this axis to convert its internal Values into pixel values and vice versa.
You should never directly convert the chart's values to canvas coordinates, use the chart's HorizontalAxis and VerticalAxis to call the AxisToPixel method. A chart's values are consistent with the chart only and have nothing to do with the canvas. These values specify chart graphical elements in floating point format and ignore any visual issues, such as is the chart zoomed. Every chart is bound to a horizontal axis (top or bottom) and vertical axis (left or right) of the chart panel. The axes are responsible for tracking if the view is zoomed, what are the min and max values etc. Call the AxisToPixel method to convert your chart value into the correct canvas value.

Specifies whether the component appears onscreen.
Use the Visible property to control the visibility of the control at run time. If Visible is True, the control appears. If Visible is False, the control is not visible

Returns the number of TRSChartValue that are visible for the chart