
The TRSDonutChart component is a FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChart descendant that represents a donut chart. The Donut Chart displays each chart value ( TRSDonutChartValue) as a slice of the ring in the ring chart. The size of the slice is dependant on all the other slices in the donut chart, e.g., the size of a slice is proportional to the percentage that the donut slice's value is to the sum of all slices. The donut chart draws each slice starting from 3 o'clock position on a clock and goes counter-clockwise from there. Modify the Offset angle to change the starting angle.

The ring size is controlled by the InnerRadius and OuterRadius properties, which denote a percentage (0-1) of the chart area for the inner and outer lines respectively. Note that the donut chart always fills the rectangle between the axes on the chart panel, e.g., you cannot zoom in on a donut chart.
Stack Donut charts on top of each other with their own Inner and Outer Radius to create a visually arresting "wedding cake", especially with FMX effects (which can be added when the charts are not parented to the TRSChartPanel).
Charts are TGraphicControl descendants for VCL and TControl descendants for FMX. Display charts on a chart panel (with integrated axes, legend, header, footers, etc) or stand-alone (allowing use of FMX effects or embedding within other controls). Set the Panel property to the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartPanel you want the chart displayed inside or nil for stand-alone use.

The TRSDonutChartEx component is a FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChart descendant that represents a donut chart. Unlike the normal Donut Chart ( RSDonutCharts|TRSDonutChart), the TRSDonutChartEx allows full control of donut pieces (OuterRadius, InnerRadius, StartAngle, Sweep Angle) at the cost of extra bookkeeping for the user, i.e., the TRSDonutChartEx does not track the percentage that each donut piece takes in the entire donut chart.
Like the TRSDonutChart, each chart value ( RSDonutCharts|TRSDonutChartExValue ) is displayed as a slice of the ring in the ring chart. The size of the slice is controlled by the StartAngle and SweepAngle properties. The donut chart draws each slice starting from 3 o'clock position on a clock and goes counter-clockwise from there. Modify the Offset angle to change the starting angle.

The ring size is controlled by the InnerRadius and OuterRadius properties of the chart value, which denote a percentage (0-1) of the chart area for the inner and outer lines respectively. Note that the donut chart always fills the rectangle between the axes on the chart panel, e.g., you cannot zoom in on a donut chart.
Charts are TGraphicControl descendants for VCL and TControl descendants for FMX. Display charts on a chart panel (with integrated axes, legend, header, footers, etc) or stand-alone (allowing use of FMX effects or embedding within other controls). Set the Panel property to the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartPanel you want the chart displayed inside or nil for stand-alone use.

Extends the FMX.RS.Charts.TRSPieChartValue class to provide the properties and methods needed to describe one donut slice of the TRSDonutChartEx component. The TRSDonutChartExValue class uses the StartAngle and SweepAngle properties to specify the size of the donut slice in degrees. The donut slice thickness is controlled by the InnerRadius and OuterRadius properties of the chart value, which denote a percentage (0-1) of the chart area for the inner and outer lines respectively.

Defines the collection of all donut slices in a donut chart ( RSDonutCharts|TRSDonutChart component). A donut chart is made up of a collection of donut slice values ( RSDonutCharts|TRSDonutChartExValue), where each TRSDonutChartExValue defines the information for one donut slice for the chart. The TRSDonutChartExValue class defines the properties of a slice, including Caption, Color, and StartAngle and SweepAngle. The TRSDonutChartExValues collection defines the collection class and common properties to all donut slice values, such as DimensionCount, MaxValues, and MinValues.
Note that the TRSDonutChartExValues collection provides built-in support for limiting the number of values in the collection (using the Limit property).

Represents type TRSDonutChartExValuesEnumerator.