The Values property contains all the donut slices in the donut chart. Each donut slice (TRSDonutChartExValue) may have its own Color and Caption. The size of the donut slice is specified by the StartAngle and SweepAngle properties. The width of the slice is controlled by the InnerRadius and OuterRadius properties.
Use the Values collection to add, delete, and modify donut slices in the chart.
Namespace: FMX.RS.DonutCharts
property Values: TRSDonutChartExValues read GetValues write SetValues stored IsValuesStored;
Property Value
Type: TRSDonutChartExValues
The following code adds 3 donut slices to the chart:
Value: TRSDonutChartExValue; // note, this type should be the same that the chart uses (e.g., TRS2DChartValue, TRSArrowChartValue, etc)
// Add first point as a full circle outer ring
Value := RSDonutChart1.Values.Add;
Value.Color := clRed;
Value.StartAngle := 0.0;
Value.SweepAngle := 360;
// Add second point, inside the first
Value := RSDonutChart1.Values.Add;
Value.Color := clGreen;
Value.StartAngle := 10.0; // 10-40 degrees
Value.SweepAngle := 30;
Value.InnerRadius := 0.50
Value.OuterRadius := 0.75
// Add third point, twice as large as second
Value := RSDonutChart1.Values.Add;
Value.Color := clNavy;
Value.StartAngle := 90.0; // 90-270
Value.SweepAngle := 180;
Value.InnerRadius := 0.50
Value.OuterRadius := 0.75
// Draw the donut slices starting at 12:00 and go counter-clockwise
RSDonutChart1.Offset := 90;