Defines the all corners constant used for TRSPathData.AddRectanglemethod
Defines the all sides constant
Defines the list of colors for the antique color scheme
Defines the list of colors for the blues color scheme
Defines the list of colors for the black and white color scheme
Defines the prefix string for color labels for VCL or FMX
Defines the cross-library color constant for TColorRec.cACTIVEBORDER.
Use the clxActiveBorder color constant instead of TColorRec.cACTIVEBORDER to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Aliceblue.
Use the clxAliceblue color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Aliceblue to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Antiquewhite.
Use the clxAntiquewhite color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Antiquewhite to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Aqua.
Use the clxAqua color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Aqua to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Aquamarine.
Use the clxAquamarine color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Aquamarine to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Azure.
Use the clxAzure color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Azure to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Beige.
Use the clxBeige color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Beige to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Bisque.
Use the clxBisque color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Bisque to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Black.
Use the clxBlack color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Black to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Blanchedalmond.
Use the clxBlanchedalmond color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Blanchedalmond to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Blue.
Use the clxBlue color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Blue to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Blueviolet.
Use the clxBlueviolet color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Blueviolet to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Brown.
Use the clxBrown color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Brown to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TColorRec.cBTNFACE.
Use the clxBtnFace color constant instead of TColorRec.cBTNFACE to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Lightgray.
Use the clxBtnHighlight color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Lightgray to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Black.
Use the clxBtnShadow color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Black to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Burlywood.
Use the clxBurlywood color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Burlywood to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Cadetblue.
Use the clxCadetblue color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Cadetblue to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Chartreuse.
Use the clxChartreuse color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Chartreuse to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Chocolate.
Use the clxChocolate color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Chocolate to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Coral.
Use the clxCoral color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Coral to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Cornflowerblue.
Use the clxCornflowerblue color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Cornflowerblue to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Cornsilk.
Use the clxCornsilk color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Cornsilk to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Crimson.
Use the clxCrimson color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Crimson to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Cyan.
Use the clxCyan color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Cyan to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Darkblue.
Use the clxDarkBlue color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Darkblue to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Darkcyan.
Use the clxDarkCyan color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Darkcyan to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Darkgoldenrod.
Use the clxDarkGoldenrod color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Darkgoldenrod to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Darkgray.
Use the clxDarkGray color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Darkgray to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Darkgreen.
Use the clxDarkGreen color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Darkgreen to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Darkkhaki.
Use the clxDarkKhaki color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Darkkhaki to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Darkmagenta.
Use the clxDarkMagenta color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Darkmagenta to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Darkolivegreen.
Use the clxDarkOliveGreen color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Darkolivegreen to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Darkorange.
Use the clxDarkOrange color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Darkorange to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Darkorchid.
Use the clxDarkOrchid color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Darkorchid to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Darkred.
Use the clxDarkRed color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Darkred to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Darksalmon.
Use the clxDarkSalmon color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Darksalmon to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Darkseagreen.
Use the clxDarkSeagreen color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Darkseagreen to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Darkslateblue.
Use the clxDarkSlateBlue color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Darkslateblue to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Darkslategray.
Use the clxDarkSlateGray color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Darkslategray to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Darkturquoise.
Use the clxDarkTurquoise color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Darkturquoise to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Darkviolet.
Use the clxDarkViolet color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Darkviolet to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Deeppink.
Use the clxDeepPink color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Deeppink to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Deepskyblue.
Use the clxDeepSkyBlue color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Deepskyblue to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Null.
Use the clxDefaultColor color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Null to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Dimgray.
Use the clxDimGray color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Dimgray to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Dodgerblue.
Use the clxDodgerBlue color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Dodgerblue to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Firebrick.
Use the clxFireBrick color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Firebrick to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Floralwhite.
Use the clxFloralWhite color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Floralwhite to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Forestgreen.
Use the clxForestGreen color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Forestgreen to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Fuchsia.
Use the clxFuchsia color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Fuchsia to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Gainsboro.
Use the clxGainsboro color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Gainsboro to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Ghostwhite.
Use the clxGhostWhite color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Ghostwhite to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Gold.
Use the clxGold color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Gold to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Goldenrod.
Use the clxGoldenrod color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Goldenrod to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Gray.
Use the clxGray color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Gray to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Green.
Use the clxGreen color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Green to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Greenyellow.
Use the clxGreenYellow color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Greenyellow to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Honeydew.
Use the clxHoneydew color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Honeydew to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Hotpink.
Use the clxHotPink color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Hotpink to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TColorRec.cINACTIVEBORDER.
Use the clxInactiveBorder color constant instead of TColorRec.cINACTIVEBORDER to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Indianred.
Use the clxIndianRed color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Indianred to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Indigo.
Use the clxIndigo color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Indigo to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Ivory.
Use the clxIvory color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Ivory to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Khaki.
Use the clxKhaki color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Khaki to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Lavender.
Use the clxLavender color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Lavender to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Lavenderblush.
Use the clxLavenderBlush color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Lavenderblush to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Lawngreen.
Use the clxLawnGreen color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Lawngreen to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Lemonchiffon.
Use the clxLemonChiffon color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Lemonchiffon to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Lightblue.
Use the clxLightBlue color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Lightblue to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Lightcoral.
Use the clxLightCoral color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Lightcoral to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Lightcyan.
Use the clxLightCyan color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Lightcyan to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Lightgoldenrodyellow.
Use the clxLightGoldenrodYellow color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Lightgoldenrodyellow to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Lightgray.
Use the clxLightGray color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Lightgray to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Lightgreen.
Use the clxLightGreen color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Lightgreen to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Lightpink.
Use the clxLightPink color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Lightpink to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Lightsalmon.
Use the clxLightSalmon color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Lightsalmon to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Lightseagreen.
Use the clxLightSeaGreen color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Lightseagreen to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Lightskyblue.
Use the clxLightSkyBlue color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Lightskyblue to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Lightslategray.
Use the clxLightSlateGray color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Lightslategray to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Lightsteelblue.
Use the clxLightSteelBlue color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Lightsteelblue to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Lightyellow.
Use the clxLightYellow color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Lightyellow to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Lime.
Use the clxLime color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Lime to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Limegreen.
Use the clxLimegreen color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Limegreen to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Linen.
Use the clxLinen color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Linen to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Magenta.
Use the clxMagenta color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Magenta to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Maroon.
Use the clxMaroon color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Maroon to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Mediumaquamarine.
Use the clxMediumAquamarine color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Mediumaquamarine to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Mediumblue.
Use the clxMediumBlue color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Mediumblue to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Mediumorchid.
Use the clxMediumOrchid color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Mediumorchid to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Mediumpurple.
Use the clxMediumPurple color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Mediumpurple to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Mediumseagreen.
Use the clxMediumSeagreen color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Mediumseagreen to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Mediumslateblue.
Use the clxMediumSlateBlue color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Mediumslateblue to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Mediumspringgreen.
Use the clxMediumSpringGreen color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Mediumspringgreen to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Mediumturquoise.
Use the clxMediumTurquoise color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Mediumturquoise to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Mediumvioletred.
Use the clxMediumVioletRed color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Mediumvioletred to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Midnightblue.
Use the clxMidnightBlue color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Midnightblue to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Mintcream.
Use the clxMintCream color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Mintcream to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Mistyrose.
Use the clxMistyRose color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Mistyrose to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Moccasin.
Use the clxMoccasin color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Moccasin to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Navajowhite.
Use the clxNavajoWhite color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Navajowhite to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Navy.
Use the clxNavy color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Navy to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Oldlace.
Use the clxOldLace color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Oldlace to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Olive.
Use the clxOlive color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Olive to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Olivedrab.
Use the clxOliveDrab color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Olivedrab to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Orange.
Use the clxOrange color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Orange to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Orangered.
Use the clxOrangeRed color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Orangered to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Orchid.
Use the clxOrchid color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Orchid to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Palegoldenrod.
Use the clxPaleGoldenrod color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Palegoldenrod to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Palegreen.
Use the clxPaleGreen color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Palegreen to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Paleturquoise.
Use the clxPaleTurquoise color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Paleturquoise to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Palevioletred.
Use the clxPaleVioletRed color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Palevioletred to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Papayawhip.
Use the clxPapayaWhip color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Papayawhip to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Peachpuff.
Use the clxPeachPuff color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Peachpuff to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Peru.
Use the clxPeru color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Peru to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Pink.
Use the clxPink color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Pink to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Plum.
Use the clxPlum color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Plum to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Powderblue.
Use the clxPowderBlue color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Powderblue to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Purple.
Use the clxPurple color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Purple to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Red.
Use the clxRed color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Red to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Rosybrown.
Use the clxRosyBrown color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Rosybrown to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Royalblue.
Use the clxRoyalBlue color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Royalblue to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Saddlebrown.
Use the clxSaddleBrown color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Saddlebrown to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Salmon.
Use the clxSalmon color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Salmon to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Sandybrown.
Use the clxSandyBrown color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Sandybrown to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Seagreen.
Use the clxSeagreen color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Seagreen to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Seashell.
Use the clxSeashell color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Seashell to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Sienna.
Use the clxSienna color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Sienna to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Silver.
Use the clxSilver color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Silver to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Skyblue.
Use the clxSkyBlue color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Skyblue to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Slateblue.
Use the clxSlateBlue color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Slateblue to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Slategray.
Use the clxSlateGray color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Slategray to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Snow.
Use the clxSnow color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Snow to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Springgreen.
Use the clxSpringGreen color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Springgreen to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Steelblue.
Use the clxSteelBlue color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Steelblue to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Tan.
Use the clxTan color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Tan to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Teal.
Use the clxTeal color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Teal to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Thistle.
Use the clxThistle color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Thistle to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Tomato.
Use the clxTomato color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Tomato to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Turquoise.
Use the clxTurquoise color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Turquoise to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Violet.
Use the clxViolet color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Violet to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Wheat.
Use the clxWheat color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Wheat to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.White.
Use the clxWhite color constant instead of TAlphaColors.White to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Whitesmoke.
Use the clxWhiteSmoke color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Whitesmoke to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Yellow.
Use the clxYellow color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Yellow to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the cross-library color constant for TAlphaColors.Yellowgreen.
Use the clxYellowGreen color constant instead of TAlphaColors.Yellowgreen to write easier cross-library canvas code.
Defines the list of colors for the default color scheme
Defines the list of colors for a dystopian color scheme
Defines the step direction for each gradient direction in the X or horizontal direction
Defines the step direction for each gradient direction in the Y or vertical direction
Defines the list of colors for the grays color scheme
Defines the list of colors for the greens color scheme
Defines the list of colors for the pastel color scheme
Defines the list of colors for the reds color scheme
Defines the close polygon point (return to start point)
Defines the 3D identity matrix
Defines the shape styles that have a 3D look
Defines the list of colors for the southwest color scheme
Defines the list of colors for the violets color scheme