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Defines a class to contain and perform calculations on a TRect. The advantage of using TRSObjectRect is that the class can be used as a published property, where the user will be able to set the boundaries of the rectangle at design time. The TRSObjectRect class is a descendant of the FMX.RS.Graphics.TRSCustomRect class which publishes the boundaries of the rectangle represented by the class.

The TRSObjectRect represents the dimensions of a rectangle. The coordinates are specified as four separate integers representing the left, top, right, and bottom sides.

Typically, values represent pixel locations, where the origin of the pixel coordinate system is in the top left corner of the screen (screen coordinates) or the top left corner of a control's client area (client coordinates). When a TRSObjectRect value represents a rectangle on the screen, by convention the top and left edges are considered inside the rectangle and the bottom and right edges are considered outside the rectangle. This convention allows the width of the rectangle to be Right - Left and the height to be Bottom - Top.


The BoundsRect property represents the underlying TRect rectangle. You should use the provided properties; Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Width, and Height; to set the rectangle's fields. If you use the BoundsRect field's directly, the OnChange event will not be called.

Namespace: FMX.RS.Graphics

RiverSoftAVG Products Help © 1996-2016 Thomas G. Grubb