Represents method Align(TSVGRect).
Copies the properties of source to the current element (but not children) (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGCustomViewBox.AssignProperties(TPersistent).)
Represents method AssignTo(TPersistent). (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.AssignTo(TPersistent).)
Returns the set of allowable child SVG element types (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.ChildSVGTypes.)
Clears the SVG element and resets its properties back to their defaults (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGCustomViewBox.Clear.)
Draw the current SVG element only (not its children) to the specified canvas inside the specified rectangle. The matrix parameter specifies the cumulative transformations from the Parent element (and its Parents) to apply when drawing the element.
This method is overridden by descendant classes for svg element specific drawing.
If the Shape property returns a path, this method will draw the path
Returns the SVG element located at the specified position in the SVG. The method assumes the size and location of the current element is the rectangle specified by aRect. The DoInternalElementAtPos method does the actual detection for the current element (and not its children).
If no SVG element is found at the specified location, the function returns nil.
This method sets the properties of the svg element from the node when loading the svg from XML
This method does the work for the current svg element only.
Represents method DoModifyControl(TControl,TSVGMatrix,TRectF,TSVGControlElementEvent). (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.DoModifyControl(TControl,TSVGMatrix,TRectF,TSVGControlElementEvent).)
This method saves the properties of the svg element to the xml node.
This method does the work for the current svg element only.
Draw the SVG to the specified canvas inside the specified rectangle. The matrix parameter specifies the cumulative transformations from the Parent element (and its Parents) to apply when drawing the element. (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGCustomViewBox.Draw(TSVGMatrix,TSVGCanvas,TSVGRect).)
Loads the image. The image may be an embedded data ('data:') or a reference to another SVG file
Returns the SVG element type of the class (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGCustomGroup.SVGType.)