Applies the input style to the SVG element (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Applies all styles that match the element to the element. All child elements also have their styles applied. (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.ApplyStyles.)
Represents method Assign(TPersistent). (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Copies the properties of source to the current element (but not children) (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGCustomViewBox.AssignProperties(TPersistent).)
Represents method AssignTo(TPersistent). (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.AssignTo(TPersistent).)
Represents method BakeTransformation(TSVGMatrix). (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Represents method BakeTransformationChildren(TSVGMatrix). (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Represents method BeforeDestruction. (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Initializes the canvas with the current element's Brush, Pen, Font, and Clipping information to prepare the canvas for drawing the svg element.
The state of the input canvas is saved so that it may be restored after drawing the current element.
This function returns True if the current element should be drawn. If the function returns False, the current element will not be drawn though all setup (clipping rectangles, fonts, etc) will still be done. Its children's draw methods will also still be called.
Marks the start of an update session of the element and its children.
No change events occur after the BeginUpdate call. A call to BeginUpdate must be complemented by calls to EndUpdate after the update is finished.
(Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Build a clip region or path that represents the combined shape of the current Element and all of its visible children (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Called when any property of the element changes (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.Change(TSVGElement).)
Ensures that aListener is notified that the element is going to be changed or destroyed. When the current element changes, it will call the aListener.NotifyListener method.
Use ChangeNotification when the aListener element must be notified when the current element changes. For example, the TSVGUse element uses this mechanism to know when to redraw because its Reference element has changed
Returns the set of allowable child SVG element types (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.ChildSVGTypes.)
Clears the SVG element and resets its properties back to their defaults (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGCustomViewBox.Clear.)
Clones the element and all of its child elements. The aOwner parameter should be a different document (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Represents method CreateAspectRatio. (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGCustomViewBox.)
Creates a TControl that best represents the svg element (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Create a TSVGLength object and initializes its events to the parameter events (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Creates a TSVGLengths object list (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Create a FMX.RS.SVGTypes.TSVGStylePropertyAutoLength object and initialize it (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Create a FMX.RS.SVGTypes.TSVGStylePropertyLength object and initialize it (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Represents method DefineProperties(TFiler). (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.DefineProperties(TFiler).)
Represents method DefineView(TSVGRect,TSVGPreserveAspectRatio,Single,Single,Single,Single). (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGCustomViewBox.)
Changes the canvas fill and stroke values for disabled elements (Enabled = False) (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Represents method DoBakeTransformation(TSVGMatrix). (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
The method returns true if the appearance of disabled elements (Enabled = False) should be changed.
The FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.DisableAppearance(TSVGMatrix,TSVGCanvas,TSVGRect) method does the actual modification of the element's appearance.
This method is called just before drawing the current element and its children. The method is called after the canvas brush, pen, font, clipping, etc are set up but before the actual drawing.
It exposes the OnDrawing event.
This function returns True if the current element should be drawn. If the function returns False, the current element will not be drawn. However, its children's draw methods will still be called.
This method is called just after drawing the current element and its children. The method is called after drawing the current element and its children but before the canvas is returned to its initial state.
It exposes the OnDraw event.
Draw the current SVG element only (not its children) to the specified canvas inside the specified rectangle. The matrix parameter specifies the cumulative transformations from the Parent element (and its Parents) to apply when drawing the element.
This method is overridden by descendant classes for svg element specific drawing.
If the Shape property returns a path, this method will draw the path
Returns the SVG element located at the specified position in the SVG. The method assumes the size and location of the current element is the rectangle specified by aRect. The DoInternalElementAtPos method does the actual detection for the current element (and not its children).
If no SVG element is found at the specified location, the function returns nil.
This method sets the properties of the svg element from the node when loading the svg from XML
This method does the work for the current svg element only.
Represents method DoModifyControl(TControl,TSVGMatrix,TSVGRect,TSVGControlElementEvent). (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGCustomViewBox.)
This method is called when an SVG element is found at the specified position during an FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.ElementAtPos(TSVGCanvas,TSVGPoint,TSVGRect,TSVGFindOptions) method call.
The method fires the OnElementFound event.
Called when an OnParsedNode event should fire (i.e., just after the node is parsed to set the properties of the svg element) (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Called when an OnParsingNode event should fire (i.e., just before the node is parsed to set the properties of the svg element) (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Called when an OnSavingElement event should fire (i.e., just after the svg element's properties are written to the node) (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Called when an OnSavingElement event should fire (i.e., just before the svg element's properties are written to the node) (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
This method saves the properties of the svg element to the xml node.
This method does the work for the current svg element only.
Represents method DoShouldDraw. (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.DoShouldDraw.)
Draw the SVG to the specified canvas inside the specified rectangle. The matrix parameter specifies the cumulative transformations from the Parent element (and its Parents) to apply when drawing the element. (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.Draw(TSVGMatrix,TSVGCanvas,TSVGRect).)
Draws all of the current element's children to the canvas (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Draw the svg element and its children to the specified canvas inside the specified rectangle.
No ancestors or siblings are drawn. The svg element is drawn where it would be if the entire SVG was drawn.
Sets up parent transformation and clipping so that current element can draw itself properly (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.DrawElementParent(TSVGMatrix,TSVGCanvas,TSVGRect).)
Overloaded. Draws all of the current element's markers (start, middle, and end) to the canvas along the specified path. The method uses the points of the path to calculate where to draw the markers and in what orientation. (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Overloaded. Draws all of the current element's markers (start, middle, and end) to the canvas at the specified points. The method uses the points to calculate where to draw the markers and in what orientation. (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Overloaded. Draws a path shape to the canvas (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Overloaded. Returns the SVG element located at the specified position in the SVG. The method assumes the size and location of the current element is the rectangle specified by aRect. Use the ElementAtPos method to determine which SVG element is at the specified location in the current element.
If no SVG element is found at the specified location, the function returns nil
The method searches the children first in reverse order and then the current element. This ensures the visually top-most element is found
Returns the SVG element located at the specified position in the SVG. The method assumes the size and location of the current element is the rectangle specified by aRect. Use the ElementAtPos method to determine which SVG element is at the specified location in the current element.
If no SVG element is found at the specified location, the function returns nil
The method searches the children first in reverse order and then the current element. This ensures the visually top-most element is found
This method is called when an element is added or removed from the FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.Items property (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Called when the FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.Enabled property changes (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.EnableChange.)
Restores the canvas to its state before the current svg element and its children were drawn (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Marks the end of an update session of the element and its children.
The update session must be started first by calling BeginUpdate.
EndUpdate decreases a updating semaphore. If all update sessions end and the semaphore is 0, EndUpdate signals a OnChange event.
(Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Experimental method to use the Clipper library to create properly filled (based on FillRule) and clipped (GetClipPath) polygons (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Overloaded. Returns a transformation matrix that will properly scale and translate the SVG element's BoundsRect so that it fits within the input rectangle (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Overloaded. Returns a transformation matrix that will properly scale and translate the TargetRect so that it fits within the input rectangle (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Generates the child controls for the current svg element based on the FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.Items property (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Overloaded. Generates VCL/FMX controls to represent this SVG element and its children. The Parent parameter specifies the parent control for the generated VCL/FMX control.
The FMX control is transformed by a matrix returned from the GetViewMatrix function
Overloaded. Generates VCL/FMX controls to represent this SVG element and its children. The Parent parameter specifies the parent control for the generated VCL/FMX control. (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Overloaded. Generates the VCL/FMX controls to correctly display all of the current element's markers (start, middle, and end) along the specified path. The method uses the points of the path to calculate where to create the markers and their orientation. (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Overloaded. Generates the VCL/FMX controls to correctly display all of the current element's markers (start, middle, and end) at the specified points. The method uses the points to calculate where to create the markers and their orientation. (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Returns the opacity of the SVG element modified with its Parents' opacities (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Gets the Bounding Rectangle (in pixels) of the element. This value is the bounding rectangle before any transformations are applied. (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGCustomGroup.GetBoundsRect.)
Returns the "true" BoundsRect where the boundaries of the element are modified by the input matrix plus (for graphic elements) its transformation Matrix (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGCustomGroup.GetBoundsRect(TSVGMatrix).)
Overloaded. Returns the Brush for the current element modified by any inherited properties (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Overloaded. Returns the Brush for the element, configured for the transformation and rectangle. (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Returns the clipping region of the current element based on its shape and its children's shape (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Returns the clipping rectangle for the element (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Returns the Font for the current element modified by any inherited properties (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Returns a format string for formatting floating point numbers (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Returns the closest ancestor SVG element that is a TSVGGraphicElement class (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Returns the Height of the Element.
If the Height property is a percentage, this method returns the Height for the Element by calculating the percentage of the nearest ViewBox's Height
Returns the Height of the Element in raw measurement units (i.e., 1 inch, 2.5 centimeter).
The GetHeight method returns the height in pixels.
Returns the nearest ancestor (Parent, or Parent of Parent, or etc) element that is a TSVGCustomViewBox element (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Represents method GetOptions. (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Returns the SVG document that owns this element (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Returns a bitmap representing the pattern
Overloaded. Returns the Pen for the current element modified by any inherited properties (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Overloaded. Returns the Pen for the element, configured for the transformation and rectangle. (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Returns a path that represents the shape of the current svg element.
This method does not work for all svg element types
Returns the SVG element type of the class (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Returns unit factors array, which specifies the unit factors for conversion of different units into pixel units. For example, if the input string contains '1cm', the function uses the UnitFactors variable of this type to know how large a centimeter is. (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.GetUnitFactors.)
Overloaded. Returns a transformation matrix for viewing this element (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Overloaded. Returns a transformation matrix for viewing this element (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Returns a transformation matrix for viewing this element (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.GetViewMatrix(TSVGMatrix,TSVGRect).)
Overloaded. Returns a transformation matrix for viewing this element (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Returns the Width of the Element.
If the Width property is a percentage, this method returns the Width for the Element by calculating the percentage of the nearest ViewBox's Width
Returns the Width of the Element in raw measurement units (i.e., 1 inch, 2.5 centimeter).
The GetWidth method returns the width in pixels.
Returns the FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.WritingMode of the element. If the WritingMode is inherited ( FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.Inherits property), the writing mode of the parent is returned. (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Returns the X Coordinate of the Element.
If the X property is a percentage, this method returns the X Coordinate for the Element by calculating the percentage of the nearest ViewBox's Width
Returns the X Coordinate of the Element in raw measurement units (i.e., 1 inch, 2.5 centimeter).
The GetX method returns the X coordinate in pixels.
Returns the Y Coordinate of the Element.
If the Y property is a percentage, this method returns the Y Coordinate for the Element by calculating the percentage of the nearest ViewBox's Height
Returns the Y Coordinate of the Element in raw measurement units (i.e., 1 inch, 2.5 centimeter).
The GetY method returns the Y coordinate in pixels.
Returns true if the input element is an ancestor of the current SVG element (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Returns true if the input element is a direct child of the current SVG element (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Returns true if the input element is a descendant of the current SVG element (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Returns true if the required extensions are present. The RSCL supports no extensions at this time, if RequiredExtensions is not empty, this method will return False (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Returns true if the Owner document supports all of the features of the element. If all of the given features are supported, then the function evaluates to true; otherwise, the current element and its children are skipped and thus will not be rendered. (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Returns true if the input element follows the current SVG element (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Returns True if the Language property matches the language IDs in the input parameter. Multiple languages can be specified by separating the language IDs with commas and/or spaces. (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Returns True if the Owner SVG document fragment supports the Language property or one of the SystemLanguages (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Returns true if the input element precedes the current SVG element (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Returns true if the input element is a sibling (share same Parent) of the current SVG element (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Represents method InternalBakeTransformation(TSVGMatrix). (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.)
Draw the SVG to the specified canvas inside the specified rectangle. The matrix parameter specifies the cumulative transformations from the Parent element (and its Parents) to apply when drawing the element.
The current element is drawn first and then child elements.
Returns the SVG element located at the specified position in the SVG. The method assumes the size and location of the current element is the rectangle specified by aRect. Use the ElementAtPos method to determine which SVG element is at the specified location in the current element.
If no SVG element is found at the specified location, the function returns nil.
The DoInternalElementAtPos method does the actual detection for the current element
The method searches the children first in reverse order and then the current element. This ensures the visually top-most element is found
Returns true if the svg XML should be made as small as possible when exporting the svg element as XML (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Returns true if the current element and every parent, grandparent, etc are FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.Enabled. (Inherited from FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.)
Returns True if the style property should be stored when streaming (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGGraphicElement.IsStored(TSVGStyleProperty,String).)
Event handler for FMX.RS.SVGTypes.TSVGStylePropertyLength objects.
TSVGStylePropertyLength objects use this event handler to get the inherited value for a style property.
Event handler for FMX.RS.SVGTypes.TSVGStylePropertyLength objects.
TSVGStylePropertyLength objects use this event handler to get the inherited value for a style property.
Event handler for FMX.RS.SVGTypes.TSVGLength objects.
TSVGLength objects use this event handler to figure out the correct conversion of a percentage value to pixels. This event handler is use for the TSVGLength.OnRange event and uses the nearest viewbox's height to set the Min and Max parameters.
Event handler for FMX.RS.SVGTypes.TSVGLength objects.
TSVGLength objects use this event handler to figure out the correct conversion of a percentage value to pixels. This event handler is use for the TSVGLength.OnRange event and uses the nearest viewbox's width to set the Min and Max parameters.
Event handler for FMX.RS.SVGTypes.TSVGStylePropertyLength objects.
TSVGStylePropertyLength objects use this event handler to retrieve the inherited length for a style property.
Loads the SVG element's attributes and child nodes from the XML node (Overrides FMX.RS.SVG.TSVGElement.LoadFromXML(IXMLNode).)
Overloaded. Returns the SVG element of a marker that would be located at the specified position in the SVG. The method assumes the size and location of the current element is the rectangle specified by aRect. The method uses the MarkerStartURI, MarkerMidURI, and MarkerEndURI property to find the markers that would be displayed along the specified path. Then, it finds the element of the marker at that specified position
If no SVG element of a marker is found (or there are no markers) at the specified location, the function returns nil.
Overloaded. Returns the SVG element of a marker that would be located at the specified position in the SVG. The method assumes the size and location of the current element is the rectangle specified by aRect. The method uses the MarkerStartURI, MarkerMidURI, and MarkerEndURI property to find the markers that would be displayed along the specified path. Then, it finds the element of the marker at that specified position
If no SVG element of a marker is found (or there are no markers) at the specified location, the function returns nil.
Returns the specificity (>=0) of the match with the selector string or -1 if there is no match.
A selector's specificity is calculated as follows:
• Count the number of ID selectors in the selector (= a) • Count the number of class selectors, attributes selectors, and pseudo-classes in the selector (= b) • Count the number of type selectors and pseudo-elements in the selector (= c) • Ignore the universal selector • Selectors inside the negation pseudo-class are counted like any other, but the negation itself does not count as a pseudo-class. |