Returns the input string array "cleaned" up, where all array elements that are empty when trimmed are deleted
Returns the input string "cleaned" up, with all extra spaces over one removed (e.g., CleanText(' Hello How are you ') = 'Hello How are you'
Draws the specified Bitmap on to the Canvas at the specified rectangle using the wrap mode and opacity
Returns the align that matches the string
Returns the alignment baseline that matches the string
Returns the baseline shift that matches the string
Returns the color interpolation that matches the string
Returns the color rendering that matches the string
Overloaded. Returns the cursor type that matches the string
Overloaded. Returns the SVG cursor type that is equivalent to the TCursor input type
Returns the direction that matches the string
Returns the dominant baseline that matches the string
Returns the SVG element type that matches the string
Returns the SVG feature that matches the string
Returns the fill rule that matches the string
Overloaded. Returns the absolute font size type that matches the value
Overloaded. Returns the absolute font size type that matches the string
Returns the generic font family that matches the string
Returns the font style type that matches the string
Returns the font variant type that matches the string
Returns the font weight type that matches the string
Returns the generic font family type that matches the string
Returns the horizontal glyph orientation that matches the string. The value should equal 0deg, 90deg, 180deg, or 270deg (with or without the 'deg'). The value of the angle is restricted to 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees. The value is rounded to the closest of the permitted values. A value of 0deg indicates that all glyphs are set with the top of the glyphs oriented towards the reference orientation (usually up with left to right text)
Returns the vertrical glyph orientation that matches the string. The value should equal 0deg, 90deg, 180deg, 270deg, or auto (with or without the 'deg'). The value of the angle is restricted to 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees. The value is rounded to the closest of the permitted values. A value of 0deg indicates that all glyphs are set with the top of the glyphs oriented towards the reference orientation (usually up with left to right text). This property is applied only to text written in a vertical ‘writing-mode’.
Returns the gradient spread type that matches the string
Returns the gradient unit type that matches the string
Returns the marker unit type that matches the string
Returns the selector token type (used in style matching) that matches the string
Returns the shape rendering that matches the string
Returns the style property that matches the string
Overloaded. Returns the text anchor type that matches the string
Overloaded. Returns the SVG text anchor type that is equivalent to the text alignment type
Returns the text decoration type that matches the string
Returns the text path method that matches the string
Returns the text path spacing that matches the string
Returns the text rendering that matches the string
Returns the unit type that matches the string
Returns the vector effect that matches the string
Returns the writing mode that matches the string
Returns the graphics library text alignment type that is equivalent to the SVG text alignment
Represents method IsValidSVGHexColor(String).
Loads a bitmap from a data URI string. This method creates or loads a TBitmap from embedded data.
If the Bitmap parameter is nil, the bitmap is created and must be freed by the caller.
Parses the input string for alignment baseline, which specifies how an object is aligned with respect to its parent. This property specifies which baseline of this element is to be aligned with the corresponding baseline of the parent. For example, this allows alphabetic baselines in Roman text to stay aligned across font size changes. It defaults to the baseline with the same name as the computed value of the alignment-baseline property.
Parses the string into an angle in radians. The value string is assumed to be in degrees. If the keyword 'grad' follows the value, the value string is converted from gradians. If the keyword 'rad' follows the value, the value string is converted from radians.
Parses the input string and sets the Aspect Ratio properties
Overloaded. Parses the XML attribute with the specified name into a string
Overloaded. Parses the XML attribute with the specified name into a string
Parses the input string for baseline shift, which specifies the repositioning of the dominant-baseline relative to the dominant-baseline of the parent text content element. The shifted object might be a sub- or superscript. Within the shifted object, the whole baseline-table is offset; not just a single baseline. The amount of the shift is determined from information from the parent text content element, the sub- or superscript offset from the nominal font of the parent text content element, percent of the "line-height" of the parent text content element or an absolute value.
Parses the input string into a clipping rectangle. The input string should be in the format 'rect( top right bottom left)' where top, right, bottom, and left specify offsets from the respective sides of the box.
top, right, bottom, and left may either have a value or 'auto'. Negative lengths are permitted. The value 'auto' means that a given edge of the clipping region will be the same as the edge of the element's generated box (i. e., 'auto' means the same as '0'.)
Parses the input string for a color value.
The allowable values are color | inherit
Parses the input string for a color interpolation, which specifies the color space for gradient interpolations and alpha compositing. The allowable values are auto | sRGB | linearRGB | inherit.
Parses the input string for a color rendering, which provides a hint to the SVG library about how to optimize its color interpolation and compositing operations. The allowable values are auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality | inherit
Parses the input string for a coordinate system unit value, which defines the coordinate system for other attributes of gradients and patterns .
The allowable values are userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox
Parses the input string for a cursor. The allowable values are [ [ funciri,]* [ auto | crosshair | default | pointer | move | e-resize | ne-resize | nw-resize | n-resize | se-resize | sw- resize | s-resize | w-resize| text | wait | help ] ] | inherit
Parses the input string for a dash array value and sets the Pen properties
Parses the input string into an array of percentage or length values. Used for dash array so the array is guaranteed to be even number
Parses the input string for dominant baseline
Parses the input string for a display value. The ‘display’ property only affects the direct rendering of a given element, whereas it does not prevent elements from being referenced by other elements.
The allowable values are none | inherit | other where other may be any keyword (always translated to visible=true)
Parses the input string for dominant baseline
Parses the input string for a fill rule value, which indicates the algorithm which is to be used to determine what parts of the canvas are included inside the shape. For a simple, non- intersecting path, it is intuitively clear what region lies " inside"; however, for a more complex path, such as a path that intersects itself or where one subpath encloses another, the interpretation of "inside" is not so obvious.
The allowable inputs are nonzero | evenodd | inherit
Parses the input string for a font family name value, which indicates which font family is to be used to render the text, specified as a prioritized list of font family names and/or generic family names
The allowable inputs are
[[ family-name | generic-family ],]* [ family-name | generic-family ] | inherit
Parses the input string for a font size value, which refers to the size of the font from baseline to baseline when multiple lines of text are set solid in a multiline layout environment.
The allowable inputs are absolute-size | relative-size | length | percentage | inherit
Parses the input string for a font style value, which specifies whether the text is to be rendered using a normal, italic or oblique face.
The allowable inputs are normal | italic | oblique | inherit
Parses the input string for a font variant value, which specifies whether the text is to be converted to small-caps.
The allowable inputs are normal | small-caps | uppercase | lowercase | titlecase. Only normal and small-caps are part of the svg specification
Parses the input string for a font weight value, e.g., the boldness or lightness of the glyphs used to render the text, relative to other fonts in the same font family.
The allowable values are normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300
| 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | inherit
Parses the input string for glyph orientation horizontal, which affects the amount that the current text position advances as each glyph is rendered
Parses the input string for glyph orientation vertical, which affects the amount that the current text position advances as each glyph is rendered
Parses the input string for a gradient spread value, which indicates what happens if the gradient starts or ends inside the bounds of the target rectangle.
The allowable values are pad | reflect | repeat
Parses the input string for kerning, which specifies the distance to put between the glyphs (characters) of a text string
Overloaded. Parses the XML attribute with the specified name into a length
Overloaded. Parses the XML attribute with the specified name into a length value.
Overloaded. Parses the input string into a length value.
Overloaded. Parses the input string into a length value.
Overloaded. Parses the input string into a length value.
Overloaded. Parses the specified IXMLNode attribute for a valid array of lengths
Overloaded. Parses the input string into an array of percentage or length values.
Parses the input string into a line cap value, which specifies the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked.
The allowable values are butt | round | square | inherit
Parses the input string into a line cap value, which specifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths or basic shapes when they are stroked.
The allowable values are miter | round | bevel | inherit
Overloaded. Parses the input string for a valid url/uri value ('uri(# ref)' or 'url(#ref)')
Overloaded. Parses the input string for a valid url/uri value ('uri(# ref)' or 'url(#ref)')
Parses the input string for a marker unit value, which defines the coordinate system for attributes ‘markerWidth’, ‘ markerHeight’ and the contents of the ‘marker’.
The allowable values are strokeWidth | userSpaceOnUse
Parses the input string for a matrix definition: 6 numbers. Note that numbers can be separated by commas, spaces, or +/- (e. g. , the string '100+99' is two numbers and is valid)
Overloaded. Parses the input string into a miter limit value, which imposes a limit on the ratio of the miter length to the stroke width. When the limit is exceeded, the join is converted from a miter to a bevel.
The allowable values are number >= 1
Parses the input S value into a floating point number
If the S string is empty or Inherited is true, the DefValue is returned.
Overloaded. Parses the XML attribute with the specified name into a list of floating point numbers. The numbers may be separated by commas or whitespace
Overloaded. Parses the input S value into a list of floating point numbers. The numbers may be separated by commas or whitespace
Parses the input string into a overflow value, which specifies whether the content of a block-level element is clipped when it overflows the element's box (which is acting as a containing block for the content).
The allowable values are visible | hidden | scroll | auto | inherit
Overloaded. Parses the XML attribute with the specified name into a percentage or length value.
Overloaded. Parses the XML attribute with the specified name into a percentage or length value.
Overloaded. Parses the XML attribute with the specified name into a percentage or length value.
Overloaded. Parses the XML attribute with the specified name into a percentage or length value.
Overloaded. Parses the input string into a percentage or length value.
Overloaded. Parses the input string into a percentage or length value.
Overloaded. Parses the input string into a percentage or length value.
Overloaded. Parses the input string into a percentage or length value.
Overloaded. Parses the input string into a percentage or length value.
Overloaded. Parses the XML attribute with the specified name into an array of points.
Overloaded. Parses the string into an array of points
Overloaded. Parses the input string into a rectangle using a string of 4 concatenated lengths: left top width height. The lengths may be separated by commas or spaces.
Overloaded. Parses the input string into a viewbox rectangle using a string of 4 concatenated lengths: left top width height. The lengths may be separated by commas or spaces.
Overloaded. Parses an input string into a list of strings separated by the delimiters
If the input string is blank, this function returns a TStringList containing one empty string item
Parses the input string for a rotation matrix definition ( rotate-angle [cx cy]), which specifies a rotation by degrees about a given point.
If optional parameters cx and cy are not supplied, the rotate is about the origin of the current user coordinate system. The operation corresponds to the matrix [cos(a) sin(a) -sin(a) cos( a) 0 0].
If optional parameters cx and cy are supplied, the rotate is about the point (cx, cy). The operation represents the equivalent of the following specification: translate(cx, cy)
Parses the input string for a scale matrix definition ( sx [sy]), which specifies a scale operation by sx and sy. If sy is not provided, it is assumed to be equal to sx
Parses the input string for a shape rendering, which provides a hint to the SVG library about what tradeoffs to make as it renders vector graphics elements such as path elements and basic shapes such as circles and rectangles. The allowable values are auto | optimizeSpeed | crispEdges | geometricPrecision | inherit
Parses the input string for a skew x matrix definition ( skew-angle), which specifies a skew transformation along the x-axis.
Parses the input string for a skew y matrix definition ( skew-angle), which specifies a skew transformation along the y-axis.
Parses the input string for letter/word spacing, which specifies the distance to put between the glyphs (characters) of a text string (in addition to kerning)
Parses the XML node with the specified name into a string
Overloaded. Parses an input string into a list of strings separated by the delimiters
If the input string is blank, this function returns an empy TStringList
Parses the input string for a text anchor value, which is used to align (start-, middle- or end-alignment) a string of text relative to a given point.
The allowable values are start | middle | end | inherit
Parses the input string for a text decoration value, which describes decorations that are added to the text of an element. The RSCL does not support the blink value.
The allowable values are none | [ underline || overline || line- through || blink ] | inherit
Parses the input string for text path method, which specifies the method by which text should be rendered along the path
Parses the input string for text path spacing, which specifies how the user agent should determine the spacing between glyphs that are to be rendered along a path.
Parses the input string for a text rendering, which provides a hint to the SVG library about what tradeoffs to make as it renders text. The allowable values are auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeLegibility | geometricPrecision | inherit
Parses the input string for a transformation matrix. The value of the ‘transform’ attribute is a transform-list , which is defined as a list of transform definitions, which are applied in the order provided. The individual transform definitions are separated by whitespace and/or a comma.
Parses the input string for a translation matrix definition ( tx [ty]), which specifies a translation by tx and ty. If ty is not provided, it is assumed to be zero
Overloaded. Parses the specified IXMLNode attribute for a valid url/uri value ('uri(# ref)' or 'url(#ref)')
Overloaded. Parses the input string for a valid url/uri value ('uri(# ref)' or 'url(#ref)')
Overloaded. Parses the input string for a valid url/uri value ('uri(# ref)' or 'url(#ref)')
Parses the input string for a vector effect value, which indicates the vector effect that shall be applied
The allowable inputs are none | non-scaling-stroke | inherit
Parses the input string for a visible value.
The allowable values are visible | hidden | collapse | inherit
Parses the input string for writing mode, which specifies whether the initial inline-progression-direction for a ‘text’ element shall be left-to-right, right-to-left, or top-to-bottom. The ‘writing-mode’ property applies only to ‘text’ elements; the property is ignored for ‘tspan’, ‘tref’, ‘altGlyph’ and ‘textPath’ sub-elements.
Returns pixels converted into the specified unit
Removes comments (/* ... */) from a string
Overloaded. Saves the specified Value to the XML node as an attribute (specified by the Name parameter)
If the inherits parameter is true and the compact parameter is true, then attribute will not be written out
Overloaded. Saves the specified list of values to the XML node as an attribute (specified by the Name parameter). The list of values is one string separated by the Delimiter character.
If the inherits parameter is true and the compact parameter is true, then attribute will not be written out
Saves the Value parameter to the XML node as a child node (specified by the Name parameter).
If the inherits parameter is true and the compact parameter is true, then child element will not be created
Saves the specified Value to the XML node as an attribute. The Style parameter controls the name of the attribute.
If the inherits parameter is true or the Value equals DefaultValue, and the compact parameter is true, then attribute will not be written out
Returns the size needed for a bitmap which can fit the SVG using its width and height, wrapmode, and scalefactor. The DefaultWidth and DefaultHeight parameters specify the minimum size.
Helper function for setting the alpha component of a TAlphaColor to the specified opacity
Splits an input string into a dynamic array of strings (which are assumed to be numbers but won't necessarily be). The SplitNumbers function uses the delimiters plus the special delimiters of '+' and '-' to split the string (e. g. , the string '100+99' is two numbers and is valid)
Returns the grayscale color of the color. The function works like the NTSC (National Televisision Standards Committee) system: Red*0.56, Green*0.33 and Blue*0.11
Returns the svg string representation of a color
Returns an SVG compatible string for the all the lengths If the number is a percentage, the function uses the Min and Max parameters to scale the number within the range
Overloaded. Returns an SVG compatible string for the length in the specified unit. If the number is a percentage, the function uses the Min and Max parameters to scale the number within the range
Overloaded. Returns an SVG compatible string for the length in the specified unit. If the number is a percentage, the function uses the Min and Max parameters to scale the number within the range
Returns an SVG compatible string of all numbers in array separated by Sep parameter
Overloaded. Returns an SVG compatible string for the number in the specified unit.
The number is assumed to already be in the specified unit. The unit parameter is for the string to append after the number, e.g., 'in' or 'cm'.
Returns the svg string representation of an array of points
Returns the svg string representation of a point
Returns the svg string representation of a rectangle as X, Y, Width and Height (not Right and Bottom)
Splits the TStrings parameter into shorter lines. This function only splits path elements (e.g., <path d="M...">) as these are the only lines that can be split into multiple lines without changing the meaning of attributes and elements.
Returns the string representation of stroke line cap
Returns the string representation of stroke line join
Returns the svg string representation of the transformation matrix
Tokenizes the string into selector tokens used by CSS2 selectors