Defines the base exception class for all fuzzy parse exceptions. The EFzyParseException class allows you to catch all exceptions that occur only because of parsing problems. In addition, it provides the line number where the parsing error occurred.
Base class component for including fuzzy logic in your application. This class defines the base properties and methods for defining fuzzy variables and fuzzy sets.
Provides a base class for fuzzy logic parsers in the fuzzy logic library (it is not used in the IECS).
Descends from the TCustomFuzzyLogic component to expose its properties and events. Use TFuzzyLogic to include fuzzy logic in your application.
Encapsulates one fuzzy set, or term, in the universe of discourse (defined by a Fuzzy Variable).
Encapsulates all the fuzzy sets, or terms, in a fuzzy variable (see TFuzzyVariable).
Represents type TFuzzySetsEnumerator.
Encapsulates one XY value pair in a fuzzy set (see TFuzzySet). The collection of TFuzzySetValues defines the shape of a fuzzy set.
Encapsulates all the XY value pairs in a fuzzy set (see TFuzzySet). The collection defines the shape of a fuzzy set. The values are sorted by their X property. Changing a value's X property can cause the points to move around in the collection.
Defines an enumeration class for iterating over fuzzy set values
Defines a linguistic variable, or fuzzy variable, such as Temperature which may take fuzzy sets as values, such as warm, cold, or hot.
Encapsulates all the fuzzy Variables, or terms, in a fuzzy logic component (see TCustomFuzzyLogic and TFuzzyLogic). It manages a list of fuzzy Variables.
Represents type TFuzzyVariablesEnumerator.