Creates an edge from the current node to the ANode parameter and returns the edge.
The current node will be assigned to the FromNode property of the edge, and the ANode parameter will be assigned to the ToNode property of the edge. The edge is added to the current node's list of edges (accessible with the Edge and EdgeCount properties). If the graph is undirected, the edge is also added to the ANode edge list.

Called when a node is adding an edge from itself to this node.

Called when a node is adding an edge to another node.

Represents method Assign(TPersistent).

The BeginUpdate method prevents the node from reporting changes until the EndUpdate method is called.
Call BeginUpdate before adding, removing, or modifying edges or otherwise modifying the node. BeginUpdate speeds processing time by deferring OnChange events until EndUpdate is called.

Called when the node changes.

Clears the node, in this case, this means to delete all edges from the node to other nodes. Other node descendants can override this behavior to also clear other information.

The EndUpdate method reports the changes deferred by a call to BeginUpdate.
Call EndUpdate at the end of a segment of code that began with a call to BeginUpdate. Every time BeginUpdate is called, an internal counter is incremented. When EndUpdate is called, the counter is decremented. When every call to BeginUpdate has been matched by a call to EndUpdate, EndUpdate signals an OnChange event.

FastClear is called by the graph when it knows it is deleting all nodes, so no events or anything else need to be passed around

Returns an enumerator to enumerate over all the edges in the node.

Returns the index of the AnEdge parameter in the current node's edge list. This index may then be passed to the Edge property or the RemoveEdge method. The function returns -1 if the edge is not in the list of edges.

Finds the first edge in the current node's edge list that goes to the specified ANode parameter. If no edge goes to the node, the function returns -1.

Creates a new edge from one node to another.

Reads the node from the TReader stream

Overloaded. Removes the edge at the position given by the Index parameter. Call RemoveEdge to remove the edge at a specific position from the node's out-bound edge list. The index is zero-based, so the first edge has an Index value of 0, the second edge has an Index value of 1, and so on. Calling RemoveEdge moves up all edges in the Edge array that follow the deleted edge, and reduces the EdgeCount.
If the edge object is owned by the node (FromNode equals current node), the edge is freed as well.

Overloaded. Removes the specified edge from the node's out-bound edge list.
If the edge object is owned by the node (FromNode equals current node), the edge is freed as well.

Overloaded. Removes all predecessors, i.e., remove all edges from other nodes which point to the current node.

Overloaded. Remove all edges to the input node from the current node's list of edges.

Remove the edge from ANode to the current node

Remove our out edge connected to the other node

Called when the Caption is about to change.

Writes the node to the TWriter stream