Defines classes for manipulating other streams. These classes are passed a TStream or descendant and provide methods to manipulate those streams. The TGBufferStream class provides buffering capabilities for another stream, this is especially useful in speeding up TFileStream objects. The TGTextStream class provides methods for reading and writing a stream as if it was a long string.
Both classes are based on objects from "Secrets of Delphi 2" by Ray Lischner. Modified and used here by his kind permission.
The TBaseStreamTokenList class represents a list of stream tokens ( CommonInterfaces|IBaseStreamToken). Each token of the list can represent one atomic string in the stream. However, the token can not only represent the string token parsed from a stream, but also provide methods for retrieving and setting its value based on a type. In other words, if the parser finds a string like '1234', it will create not a string token but an integer token. Like any list interface, it provides properties and methods to • Add or delete the tokens in the list. • Rearrange the tokens in the list. • Locate and access tokens in the list. • Sort the tokens in the list. |
The GStreams.TBaseStreamTokenList class implements the CommonInterfaces.IBaseStreamTokenList interface.
Represents type TBaseStreamTokenPersistent.
The TGBufferStream class is a metastream class which provides buffering capabilities for another stream. This class manages buffering input and output for the stream passed to it in the constructor. For lots of small reads and writes especially with file i/o (such as the TFileStream class), the TGBufferStream class can improve performance.
The TGBufferStream class is based largely on the TS_BufferStream class from "Secrets of Delphi 2" by Ray Lischner. Modified and used here by his kind permission.
Defines a class which accepts a writer and uses it to write heterogeneous collections (collections that contain items of different item classes.
This class can only read and write heterogeneous collections at the TOP level. If a heterogeneous collection contains a heterogeneous collection property, you need to DefineProperty again. |
The TGTextStream class is a buffered metastream for reading text from and writing text to a stream. The TGTextStream class is a TGBufferStream descendant. It works by manipulating another stream (assigned at construction). The TGTextStream class provides many help methods to read and write values as text to the stream. The TGTextStream class is an excellent class for parsing text files.
The TGTextStream class is based largely on the TS_TextStream class from "Secrets of Delphi 2" by Ray Lischner. Modified and used here by his kind permission.
Represents type TReaderCrack.
Represents type TWriterCrack.