Overloaded. Adds a new node with the specified Item and Priority to the tree. The new node is returned.
The node will be inserted into the tree in order to keep the priority order. The tree will be rebalanced as needed.

Overloaded. Adds a new node with the specified Item and Priority to the subtree specified by ANode. The new node is returned.
The node will be inserted into the subtree in order to keep the priority order. The tree will be rebalanced as needed.

Represents method Assign(TPersistent). (Inherited from GTree.TGCustomTree.)

Represents method AssignTo(TPersistent). (Inherited from GTree.TGCustomTree.)

Enables the tree to track when it is changing.
Call GTree.TGCustomTree.BeginUpdate before directly modifying the tree (adding or deleting nodes), and GTree.TGCustomTree.EndUpdate after. When implementing properties or methods that change the tree in descendants of the tree, call BeginUpdate before the changes are made, and EndUpdate when the changes are complete.
The BeginUpdate method may be nested inside other BeginUpdate method calls. The first call to BeginUpdate will fire an OnChanging event. The tree will not fire an GTree.TGCustomTree.OnChange event until an equal number of EndUpdate method calls are made. Therefore, always ensure you protect the calling of the EndUpdate method call in a try-finally block.

Called when the tree has changed (Inherited from GTree.TGCustomTree.)

Called when the tree is about to change (Inherited from GTree.TGCustomTree.)

Clears and empties the tree of all nodes. The nodes are freed. (Inherited from GTree.TGCustomTree.)

Overloaded. Delete node with the specified Item and Priority from the tree.

Overloaded. Delete node with the specified Item and Priority from the subtree specified by ANode.

Enables the graph to track when it has finished changing.
Call GTree.TGCustomTree.BeginUpdate before directly modifying the tree (adding or deleting nodes), and GTree.TGCustomTree.EndUpdate after. When implementing properties or methods that change the tree in descendants of the tree, call BeginUpdate before the changes are made, and EndUpdate when the changes are complete.
The BeginUpdate method may be nested inside other BeginUpdate method calls. The first call to BeginUpdate will fire an OnChanging event. The tree will not fire an GTree.TGCustomTree.OnChange event until an equal number of EndUpdate method calls are made. Therefore, always ensure you protect the calling of the EndUpdate method call in a try-finally block.

Finds the tree node whose Item property equals the item parameter. (Inherited from GTree.TGCustomTree.)

Finds a node that matches the item and priority. If not found, result is nil.

Returns the parent node of the input Node, or nil if not found (Inherited from GTree.TGCustomTree.)

Iterates over the entire tree in Infix order, where the first child of the current node is called first, then the current node, and then finally all other children of the current node.
For each node, the Iterator parameter is called, passing in the node and the ATag parameter.

Returns true if the input node is a leaf node, i.e., a node that has no children. (Inherited from GTree.TGCustomTree.)

Returns true if the input node is the root node of the tree. (Inherited from GTree.TGCustomTree.)

Overloaded. Creates a new node with the specified priority. The node is not attached to the tree.

Iterates over the entire tree in Postfix order, where all children of the current node are called first, the the current node is called.
For each node, the Iterator parameter is called, passing in the node and the ATag parameter.

Iterates over the entire tree in Prefix order, where the current node is called first, then all children of the current node are called.
For each node, the Iterator parameter is called, passing in the node and the ATag parameter.

Rebalance the tree.
Adjust balance factors on nodes from recent potential unbalanced node to last node. By definition, recent node was set to the last unbalanced node so all the nodes between it and Last node have BalanceFactor of 0 and will change to +/- 1.

Specifies the TGCustomTreeNode class to use when creating tree nodes. (Inherited from GTree.TGCustomTree.)

Traverses the tree starting at the current node. For each node in the subtree, the Iterator function is called passing in the node and ATag parameter. (Inherited from GTree.TGCustomTree.)