'DefGlobals are global variables which are accessible from '+'any rule or deffunction. Global variables may contains simple values, such '+'as an integer or string, or the result of a function call, such as (time) '+'which would set a global variable to the current time. Global variables '+'which are set by a function call are only evaluated at their creation and '+'possibly when the inference engine is Reset.'
'The Fact Template, or deftemplate, construct defines a '+'fact type or class. It serves as a definition for a group of facts, similar '+'to how a pascal record definition or class definition defines the structure '+'for all variables of that type. The deftemplate, as it is known in CLIPS, '+'or fact template, defines the relation name for a group of facts plus zero '+'or more slots that encapsulate properties about the class.'
'Defined Types, or deftype, are a non-CLIPS construct to '+'define types that allow type inheritance, enumerations, range checking, and '+'fuzzy sets. Defined types are required to use the fuzzy logic features of '+'the IECS. The DefType serves as a type definition (and type constraint) and '+'is used to define the types of fact template slots.'
'Fact sets, or deffacts, define the initial pieces of knowledge or data '+'in your expert system. Facts sets are a collection of facts which are '+'automatically asserted every time the inference engine is reset. The '+'facts define the initial state of the world of your expert system, i.e., '+'the people in it, the objects in it, etc.'
'DefModules, or modules, allow you to logically partition the '+'knowledge in your expert system into multiple modules. A DefModule contains '+'its own Type Definitions, Fact Templates, Facts, Rules, Fact Sets, Agenda, '+'and Rete network. In addition to completely separate constructs, the IECS '+'allows you to selectively share Type Definitions, Fact Templates, and Facts. '+'A DefModule allows you to set up your expert system where each module can '+'reason in its own domain space (enabling simpler and easier to debug rules) '+'and share information between the modules. The IECS allows you to execute '+'in one module, pause its execution, execute in another module, and then '+'switch back.'
'Rules, or defrule, define the "code" of your expert system. '+'They manipulate the facts in the expert system to infer new facts or to '+'perform actions. Rules are basically IF-THEN constructs for reasoning about '+'the domain. The inference engine matches rule conditions (the IF portion) '+'with facts in the expert system and flags rules which have been matched '+'(called a rule activation). After the inference engine has determined all '+'the rule matches, it selects one rule based on its strategy and a rule salience '+'(priority) and fires that rule. When a rule is fired, its actions (the THEN '+'portion) are executed one by one.'
'DefFunctions are defined functions, e.g., functions '+'that are defined by an expert system and not the inference engine, or '+'interpreted functions. They act like interpreted macros for simplifying '+'the writing of expert systems. The functions must be defined before they '+'are actually used or a syntax error will result. Every deffunction must '+'have a unique name, not just unique among deffunctions but among all '+'functions defined in the inference engine.'