Specifies the location of the Caption within the 2D boundaries of the shape. Use the Alignment property to position your text within the shape.

Specifies the color and pattern for filling the shape. Set the Brush property to specify the color and pattern to use when drawing the background or filling in the shape. The value of Brush is a TBrush object. Set the properties of the TBrush object to specify the color and pattern or bitmap to use when filling in the shape on the canvas.

Specifies the RSCharts.TRSShapeChartValues instance to
which this Item belongs. Each collection item belongs to the
collection which creates it. The Collection property
points to the collection object to which the value belongs.

Specifies the font used to draw each shape's Caption. Set Font to specify the font to use for writing text. The value of Font is a TFont object. Set the properties of the TFont object to specify the font face, color, size, style, and any other aspects of the font.

The Height and Width properties specify the size of the shape. Set Height or Width to change the size of the shape. Using the X, Y, Width and Height properties, you specify the exact rectangle where the shape will be drawn.
You can also use the Radius property to specify the size of the shape.

Specifies the kind of pen the shape chart value uses for outlining the shape. Set Pen to specify the pen to use for outlining the shape. The value of Pen is a TRSPen object (TPen in VCL and TStrokeBrush in FMX). Set the properties of the TRSPen object to specify the color, style, width, and mode of the pen.

The Radius property is another way (besides using Width and Height ) of specifying the size of the shape. The Radius equals Sqr(Width) + Sqr(Height). Use the Radius if you need to specify size using a radius.

Defines the geometric shape of the shape value. The shape is drawn as large as possible within the bounding rectangle.

The Height and Width properties specify the size of the shape. Set Height or Width to change the size of the shape. Using the X, Y, Width and Height properties, you specify the exact rectangle where the shape will be drawn.
You can also use the Radius property to specify the size of the shape.