Defines the native floating point type for a Delphi platform. This defaults to Single for Win32 and Double for 64-bit platforms.

Defines the native integer type for a Delphi platform. This defaults to NativeInt now that Delphi has added that type.

Defines the base pointer type and is useful for writing code that works in win32 and .NET. In Win32, this type is a Pointer. For .NET, it is defined as a TObject.

Defines the base pointer type for string pointers (as opposed to normal strings) and is useful for writing code that works in win32 and .NET. In Win32, this type is a PChar. For .NET, it is defined as a String.

Defines the base type for Tag properties and is useful for writing code that works in win32 and .NET. In Win32 and Win64, this type is a NativeInt. For .NET, it is defined as a Variant.