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The TRSDBDonutChartEx component is the database aware version of the TRSDonutChartEx. The TRSDonutChartEx component is a TRSCustomChart descendant that represents a donut chart. Unlike the normal Donut Chart ( TRSDonutChart ), the TRSDonutChartEx allows full control of donut pieces (OuterRadius, InnerRadius, StartAngle, Sweep Angle) at the cost of extra bookkeeping for the user, i.e., the TRSDonutChartEx does not track the percentage that each donut piece takes in the entire donut chart.

The values for the chart are created by reading a dataset (database table or query) specified with the    DataSource property. Each record in the dataset provides one value for the chart, where the DataFieldStartAngle property specifies the field to use for the StartAngle property, DatatFieldSweepAngle specifies the field to use for the SweepAngle, etc.

Namespace: RSDBCharts

RiverSoftAVG Products Help © 1996-2016 Thomas G. Grubb