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TRSDBSparseBarChart Class

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The TRSDBSparseBarChart component is the database aware version of the TRSSparseBarChart. The TRSSparseBarChart component is a TRSCustomSparseBarChart descendant that represents a sparse bar chart, i.e., bars do not have to be besides each but spread through the horizontal axis . The Sparse Bar Chart displays each chart value ( TRSSparseBarChartValue ) by as a vertical or horizontal bar (depending on  Orientation). Each value draws a separate bar and the order of the bars is based on the order of the TRSSparseBarChartValue in the collection.

The values for the chart are created by reading a dataset (database table or query) specified with the    DataSource property. Each record in the dataset provides one value for the chart, where the DataFieldValue property specifies the field to use for the bar value, DataFieldX specifies the X location, etc.


Namespace: RSDBCharts

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