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TRSGPCalloutRectangle.CalloutOffset Property

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The position of the callout pointer, relative to the center or edges of the side on which it appears.

TRSGPCalloutRectangle renders the callout pointer as an isosceles triangle on one of its sides. The CalloutPosition defines the side on which the triangle appears.

If CalloutOffset is zero, then the triangle is centered on the specified side.

If CalloutOffset is positive, then the closest point of the callout pointer to a corner of the triangle has the CalloutOffset offset on the following sides:
Top--offset to the right from the upper-left corner.
Left--offset to the bottom from the upper-left corner.
Right--offset to the bottom from the upper-right corner.
Bottom--offset to the right from the lower-left corner.

If CalloutOffset is negative, then the closest point of the callout pointer to a corner of the triangle has the CalloutOffset offset on the following sides:
Top--offset to the left from the upper-right corner.
Left--offset to the top from the lower-left corner.
Right--offset to the top from the lower-right corner.
Bottom--offset to the left from the lower-right corner.

Namespace: RSGdiPlusCtrls

Property Value

Type: Single

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