Represents namespace RSGdiPlusCtrls.

Defines a transparent win control class. The control provides a base class for controls that wrap Windows screen objects but perform their own rendering. Instances of this class can receive focus and serve as containers.
Classes of controls that perform their own screen rendering and do not need the features of TWinControl should be descendants of RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSCustomTransparentGraphicControl instead of TRSCustomTransparentControl. TRSCustomTransparentGraphicControl objects can render themselves with less overhead, because they do not have underlying Windows screen objects.
TRSCustomTransparentGraphicControl objects have a Paint method, which is called whenever the control needs to render its image. Custom controls paint themselves using the Canvas property.

Defines a transparent graphic control class. The control provides a base class for simple, lightweight, transparent, controls that do not need the ability to accept keyboard input or contain other controls. Since lightweight controls do not wrap Windows screen objects, they are faster and user fewer resources than controls based on TWinControl.
TRSCustomTransparentGraphicControl provides a Canvas property for access to the control's drawing surface and a virtual Paint method called in response to paint requests received by the parent control.

TRSGPArc defines 2D arcs. TRSGPArc is drawn as part of TRSGPEllipse's contour.
The TRSGPArc object is the part of the TRSGPEllipse's contour enclosed between radiuses with the StartAngle and RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPArc.EndAngle angles.
To define the general size, shape, and position of TArc, use the ShapeRect bounding rectangle, the scaling factors specified by Scale, the RotationCenter rotation axis, and the RotationAngle rotation angle of the TEllipse object.
TArc draws the contour and fills the shape background with the Paint method. The Paint method draws the TArc contour using the drawing pen having the Stroke, StrokeThickness, StrokeCap, StrokeDash, and StrokeJoin properties of the TArc object.

A rectangle with a triangular "peak" on one of four sides.
Because TRSGPCalloutRectangle inherits from RSGdiPlusCtrls.TRSGPRectangle , TRSGPCalloutRectangle provides all the properties (Corners, CornerType, Sides, XRadius, YRadius, and others) and methods to define the shape of the rectangle itself.
A call-out often takes the form of a pull-quote, in which a particular snippet of text in a document is duplicated to attract attention: in a larger size, with a different typeface, in a colored box, with stylized quote marks, and so on. With illustrations, boxed text will refer to different elements of interest, and each box will be drawn with extra lines that point to its element.
TRSGPCalloutRectangle is a rectangle with an isosceles triangle on one of its four sides, used to point at something else. The triangle is included in the bounding rectangle of the object: the longer its length, the shorter the rectangle shape will be, and vice versa. Keeping the rectangle the same size while changing the length of the triangle requires changing the height or width of the object, depending on which side the triangle appears.

TRSGPCircle defines 2D circles.
The following TRSGPCircle properties define the circle size and position:
• The bounding rectangle ShapeRect of TRSGPCircle defines the bounding square for the circle:
The length of the bounding square sides equals to Min(Width, Height) of the ShapeRect bounding rectangle.
The bounding square center coincides with the center of the bounding rectangle.
• The TRSGPCircle shape is inscribed into the obtained bounding square. • You can use the Scale scaling factors of the TRSGPCircle object to proportionally scale circle coordinates along local coordinate axes. Scaling moves the circle and changes its size.
• You can use the rotation axis RotationCenter and rotation angle RotationAngle of the TRSGPCircle object to modify the circle shape and position. |
TRSGPCircle draws the contour and fills the shape background with the Paint method.
Paint draws the contour and fills the background using the drawing pen and brush with the properties, color, and opacity defined by the Stroke and Fill properties of the TRSGPCircle object.

TRSGPCustomPath defines 2D path-type shapes representing groups of connected curves and lines.

TRSGPEllipse defines 2D ellipses.
The following TEllipse properties define the ellipse shape and position:
• Initially the ellipse is inscribed into the bounding rectangle ShapeRect of the TRSGPEllipse object.
• Then the rotation axis RotationCenter is moved along the local coordinate axes proportionally to the Scale factors.
• Then this ellipse is rotated around the obtained pivot on the RotationAngle angle.
Scaling not only scales the shape of an object proportionally to the scaling factors, but also changes the Stroke.Thickness of the contour proportionally to the scaling factor for each axis.
TRSGPEllipse draws the contour and fills the background with the
Paint method.Paint draws the contour and fills the background using the drawing pen and brush with the properties, color, and opacity defined by the Stroke and Fill properties of the TRSGPEllipse object.

Defines 2D lines.
The end points of the line to draw are defined by the following properties of the TRSGPLine object:
• The shape rectangle and the LineType define the straight-line segment to draw:
• LineType defines the orientation of the line segment.
• The intersection points of this line segment with the local rectangle define the end points of the straight-line segment.
• RotationCenter defines the rotation axis and RotationAngle defines the rotation angle on which the straight-line segment is rotated to obtain the line to draw.
Scaling not only scales the line length proportionally to scaling the factors, but also changes the Stroke.Thickness of the line proportionally to the scaling factor for each axis.

Defines 2D path-type shapes representing groups of connected curves and lines.

TRSGPPie defines 2D pies. TRSGPPie is drawn as part of TRSGPEllipse.
The TRSGPPie object is the part of the TRSGPEllipse object enclosed between radiuses with the StartAngle and EndAngle angles.
The ShapeRect bounding rectangle, scaling factors specified by Scale, RotationCenter rotation axis, and RotationAngle rotation angle of the TRSGPEllipse object should be used to define the general size, shape, and position of TRSGPPie.
TRSGPPie draws the contour and fills the shape background with the Paint method.
Paint draws the contour using the drawing pen with the properties, color, and opacity defined by the Stroke property of the TRSGPPie object. Paint fills the background using the drawing brush with the properties, color, and opacity defined by the current Fill property of the TRSGPPie object.

TRSGPRectangle defines 2D rectangles with customized corners.
The CornerType , XRadius, and YRadius properties define how to customize shapes of rectangle corners. Corners specifies which corners to be customized. Notice that, if Corners is an empty set or any of the XRadius or YRadius properties is zero, then no corner shape customization is used.
The rectangle size and position are defined by the following properties of the TRSGPRectangle object:
• The shape rectangle ShapeRect defines the initial size and position of the rectangle.
• You can use the rotation axis RotationCenter and rotation angle RotationAngle of the TRectangle object to rotate and move the rectangle.
• You can use the scaling factors of the TRectangle object to proportionally scale rectangle coordinates along local coordinate axes. Scaling moves the rectangle and changes its size.
Note: Scaling not only scales the shape of an object proportionally to the scaling factors, but also changes the Stroke.Thickness of the contour proportionally to the scaling factor for each axis.

The base class for 2D graphic primitives--TLines, TRectangles, TPaths, and others.
TRSGPShape is the ancestor class to most other classes defined in the Objects unit. It defines the common behavior--methods and properties--for 2D graphic primitives.

TText defines 2D text objects

Defines where, on one of the four sides of a rectangle, a callout pointer appears.

Specifies how to place the line inside the local rectangle for defining the line length.

Specifies the wrapping mode for rendering path objects.