Represents method Add(string). (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Overloaded. Represents method AddObject(string,TObject). (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Overloaded. Adds a string to the list, and associates an object and a generic piece of data with the string.
Call AddObject to add a string and its associated object and generics item to the list. AddObject returns the index of the new string, object, and item.
If OwnsObjects is false, the stringlist object does not own the objects you add this way. Objects added to the TStringList<T> object still exist even if the TStrings instance is destroyed. They must be explicitly destroyed by the application.

Overloaded. Represents method AddStrings(TStrings). (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Represents method Assign(TPersistent). (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Called when the string list is changed.
Calls the OnChange event handler.

Called when the string list is about to be changed.
Calls the OnChanging event handler.

Represents method Clear. (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Represents method CompareStrings(string,string). (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Represents method Delete(Integer). (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Clears the generics string list. (Overrides RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.DoClear.)

Deletes the specified item, including the associated data, from the string list.
Index gives the position of the string, where 0 is the first string, 1 is the second string, and so on.

Finalizes (uninitializes a dynamically-allocated variable) the array that holds the information in the string list. (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Overloaded. Moves an item (Count=1) or range of items (Count > 1) in the array from one index to another (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Overloaded. Copies items from FromArray to ToArray (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Represents method Exchange(Integer,Integer). (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Locates the index for a string in a sorted list and indicates whether a string with that value already exists in the list. Use Find to obtain the index in a sorted list where the string S should be added. If the string S already exists in the list, Find returns True. If the list does not contain S, Find returns False. The index where S should go is returned in the Index parameter. The value of Index is zero-based, where the first string has the index 0, the second string has the index 1, and so on.
Only use Find with sorted lists. For unsorted lists, use the IndexOf method instead.
If the S string is not found (thus return value of Find is False) then Index is set to the index of the first string in the list that sorts immediately before or after S.

Represents method Get(Integer). (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Represents method GetCapacity. (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Represents method GetCount. (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Returns the associated data for the specified item given its index.
GetData is the protected read implementation of the Data property.

Represents method GetObject(Integer). (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Represents method IndexOf(string). (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Returns the index of the data item that equals the input AData parameter. If the data is not found, the function returns -1.

Represents method Insert(Integer,string). (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Overloaded. Inserts a string into the list at the specified position, and associates it with an object.
Call InsertItem to insert the string S into the list at the position identified by Index, and associate it with the object AObject. If Index is 0, the string is inserted at the beginning of the list. If Index is 1, the string is put in the second position of the list, and so on.
InsertItem is the protected implementation of the InsertObject method.

Overloaded. Inserts a string into the list at the specified position, and associates it with an object and with a generic data item.
Call InsertItem to insert the string S into the list at the position identified by Index, and associate it with the object AObject and data AData. If Index is 0, the string is inserted at the beginning of the list. If Index is 1, the string is put in the second position of the list, and so on.
InsertItem is the protected implementation of the InsertObject method.

Overloaded. Represents method InsertObject(Integer,string,TObject). (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Overloaded. Inserts a string into the list at the specified position, and associates it with an object and an item.
Call InsertObject to insert the string S into the list at the position identified by Index, and associate it with the object AObject and item AData. If Index is 0, the string is inserted at the beginning of the list. If Index is 1, the string is put in the second position of the list, and so on.
If OwnsObjects is false, the stringlist object does not own the objects you add this way. Objects added to the TStringList<T> object still exist even if the TStrings instance is destroyed. They must be explicitly destroyed by the application.

Represents method Put(Integer,string). (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Sets the associated data for the specified item given its index.
PutData is the protected write implementation of the Data property.

Represents method PutObject(Integer,TObject). (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Overloaded. Represents method QuickSort(Integer,Integer,TStringListSortCompare). (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Represents method SetCapacity(Integer). (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Represents method SetUpdateState(Boolean). (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)

Overloaded. Sorts the strings in the list in ascending order.
Call Sort to sort the strings in a list that has the Sorted property set to false. String lists with the Sorted property set to true are automatically sorted.
Sort uses AnsiCompareStr to sort the strings when CaseSensitive is true and AnsiCompareText when CaseSensitive is false. To provide your own comparison operator instead, use the Sort method.

Overloaded. Sorts the strings in the list in a customized order.
Use Sort to sort the strings in the list, where the sort order is defined by the Compare parameter.
Supply a value for the Compare function that compares two strings in the string list. The List parameter provides access to the string list, while the Index1 and Index2 parameters identify the strings to be compared.
Do not pass nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++) as the value of the Compare parameter.
You must explicitly call the Sort method. Setting the Sorted property only sorts strings using ANSI (Windows) or UTF-8 (Linux) order, as implemented in the Sort method.

Returns the sort order (-1, 0, 1) for comparing two strings in the string list. (Inherited from RSGenerics.Collections.TStringList<T>.)