Specifies the kind of pen the graph chart uses for drawing the arrows for the links ( RSGraphCharts.TRSGraphChartLink). Set Pen to specify the pen to use for drawing the arrows. The value of Pen is a TRSPen object (TPen in VCL and TStrokeBrush in FMX). Set the properties of the TRSPen object to specify the color, style, width, and mode of the pen.

Specifies the orientation of a graph chart, e.g., the direction in which the links/nodes go. The orientation is optional and you may place and connect graph chart values whatever way you wish. However, when you call the Arrange method, the graph chart uses the Orientation and the Level of the graph chart values to automatically place the graph nodes.

Contains all the graph nodes in the graph chart. Each node ( RSGraphCharts.TRSGraphChartValue ) defines its Level and outward Links, as well as its own shape (Style), size (Width and Height), Color, Caption, etc. When a graph chart value is added to the collection, it is initialized to the DefaultShape. Use the Values collection to add, delete, and modify graph chart values, or nodes, in the chart.
Note that graph nodes are drawn from first to last through the collection, so later nodes are "on top" of earlier nodes.