Modifies the input matrix to return the its adjunct. The adjunct of a square matrix is the transpose of its cofactor matrix.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Overloaded. Returns a path string that describes a donut-like arc

Overloaded. Creates a donut-like Arc in the path.

Overloaded. Creates a polygonal shape based on bezier control points.

Overloaded. Creates a polygonal shape based on bezier control points.

Returns the center point of the canvas rectangle.
This function eases cross-library graphics code by using TCanvasXXX types and CanvasXXX functions. With these functions, types, and constants, you can write code that can be used in either a VCL or FMX application. It is recommended that you write the VCL code first as it is more limited that the FMX library.

Converts the canvas color to an identifier. Returns true if the Color can be converted to an identifier.
This function eases cross-library graphics code by using TCanvasXXX types and CanvasXXX functions. With these functions, types, and constants, you can write code that can be used in either a VCL or FMX application. It is recommended that you write the VCL code first as it is more limited that the FMX library.

Converts the canvas color to a string. If the color is one of the color labels (e.g., clWhite or claWhite), the function will return the label. Otherwise, it will return the hexidecimal representation of the color.
This function eases cross-library graphics code by using TCanvasXXX types and CanvasXXX functions. With these functions, types, and constants, you can write code that can be used in either a VCL or FMX application. It is recommended that you write the VCL code first as it is more limited that the FMX library.

Overloaded. Divides X by Y. In VCL, CanvasDiv returns round(X / Y). In FMX, CanvasDiv returns X/Y.
This function eases cross-library graphics code by using TCanvasXXX types and CanvasXXX functions. With these functions, types, and constants, you can write code that can be used in either a VCL or FMX application. It is recommended that you write the VCL code first as it is more limited that the FMX library.

Overloaded. Divides X by Y. In VCL, CanvasDiv returns X div Y. In FMX, CanvasDiv returns X/Y.
This function eases cross-library graphics code by using TCanvasXXX types and CanvasXXX functions. With these functions, types, and constants, you can write code that can be used in either a VCL or FMX application. It is recommended that you write the VCL code first as it is more limited that the FMX library.

Returns the maximum value from the array of TCanvasPixel.
This function eases cross-library graphics code by using TCanvasXXX types and CanvasXXX functions. With these functions, types, and constants, you can write code that can be used in either a VCL or FMX application. It is recommended that you write the VCL code first as it is more limited that the FMX library.

Returns the minimum value from the array of TCanvasPixel.
This function eases cross-library graphics code by using TCanvasXXX types and CanvasXXX functions. With these functions, types, and constants, you can write code that can be used in either a VCL or FMX application. It is recommended that you write the VCL code first as it is more limited that the FMX library.

Overloaded. Creates a TCanvasPoint from the input coordinates.
This function eases cross-library graphics code by using TCanvasXXX types and CanvasXXX functions. With these functions, types, and constants, you can write code that can be used in either a VCL or FMX application. It is recommended that you write the VCL code first as it is more limited that the FMX library.

Overloaded. Creates a TCanvasPoint from the input coordinates.
This function eases cross-library graphics code by using TCanvasXXX types and CanvasXXX functions. With these functions, types, and constants, you can write code that can be used in either a VCL or FMX application. It is recommended that you write the VCL code first as it is more limited that the FMX library.

Overloaded. Creates a TCanvasRect from the input coordinates.
This function eases cross-library graphics code by using TCanvasXXX types and CanvasXXX functions. With these functions, types, and constants, you can write code that can be used in either a VCL or FMX application. It is recommended that you write the VCL code first as it is more limited that the FMX library.

Overloaded. Creates a TCanvasRect from the input coordinates.
This function eases cross-library graphics code by using TCanvasXXX types and CanvasXXX functions. With these functions, types, and constants, you can write code that can be used in either a VCL or FMX application. It is recommended that you write the VCL code first as it is more limited that the FMX library.

Overloaded. Returns a TCanvasRect version of the input rectangle.
This function eases cross-library graphics code by using TCanvasXXX types and CanvasXXX functions. With these functions, types, and constants, you can write code that can be used in either a VCL or FMX application. It is recommended that you write the VCL code first as it is more limited that the FMX library.

Overloaded. Returns a TCanvasRect version of the input rectangle.
This function eases cross-library graphics code by using TCanvasXXX types and CanvasXXX functions. With these functions, types, and constants, you can write code that can be used in either a VCL or FMX application. It is recommended that you write the VCL code first as it is more limited that the FMX library.

Truncates the input double-precision floating point number to the TCanvasPixel precision. In FMX, there is no rounding, just conversion to Single. In VCL, the input number is truncated to the nearest integer.
This function eases cross-library graphics code by using TCanvasXXX types and CanvasXXX functions. With these functions, types, and constants, you can write code that can be used in either a VCL or FMX application. It is recommended that you write the VCL code first as it is more limited that the FMX library.

Rounds the input double-precision floating point number to the TCanvasPixel precision. In FMX, there is no rounding, just conversion to Single. In VCL, the input number is rounded to an integer.
This function eases cross-library graphics code by using TCanvasXXX types and CanvasXXX functions. With these functions, types, and constants, you can write code that can be used in either a VCL or FMX application. It is recommended that you write the VCL code first as it is more limited that the FMX library.

Overloaded. Returns a rectangle centered around point specified by X and Y

Overloaded. Returns a rectangle centered around point

Overloaded. Modifies the input rectangle R to be centered within the bounding rectangle. The modified R rectangle is returned.

Overloaded. Returns a rectangle centered around point

Overloaded. Returns a rectangle centered around point

Overloaded. Modifies the input rectangle R to be centered within the bounding rectangle. The modified R rectangle is returned.

Copies the canvas brush, pen, and font from one canvas to another.
FMX also copies the transformation matrix.

Overloaded. Returns a rotation matrix for rotating an object by Angle degrees. The rotation is around the origin.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Overloaded. Returns a rotation matrix for rotating an object by Angle degrees. The rotation is around the input point.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Returns a scaling matrix for scaling an object by the input factors. The scaling is from the origin.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Returns a translation matrix for translating or moving an object by the change in X and Y.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Paints a rectangular portion of the canvas with a linear gradient specified by the colors array

Returns the floating point number bounded between 0 and 255.

Represents method DrawArcWithBezier(TRSPathData,Single,Single,Single,Single,Single,Single,Boolean).

Overloaded. Draws a line segment with an arrow heads.

Overloaded. Draws a polygon with arrow heads

Overloaded. Draws a polygon with arrow heads

Overloaded. Draw and optionally fill a bezier polygon shape

Overloaded. Draw and optionally fill a bezier polygon shape

Draws and fills a donut arc or slice on the canvas

Overloaded. Draws and fills a pie slice on the canvas

Overloaded. Draws and fills a pie slice on the canvas

Overloaded. Draws the specified Shape to the canvas.

Overloaded. Draws the specified Shape to the canvas.

Overloaded. Paints a rectangular portion of the canvas with a radial gradient specified by the Colors array.

Overloaded. Paints a rectangular portion of the canvas with a radial gradient specified by the Colors array.

Overloaded. Returns true if the two rectangles equal

Overloaded. Returns true if the two rectangles equal

Overloaded. Scales and translates the input rectangle, aRect, so that it fits into the boundaries of the BoundsRect. The function returns the ratio the input rectangle needed to grow to fit within the boundary rectangle.

Overloaded. Returns the input rectangle, aRect, modified so that aRect fits into the target rectangle. Both aRect and TargetRect are modified by the input matrix.

Overloaded. Scales and translates the input rectangle, aRect, so that it fits into the boundaries of the BoundsRect. The function returns the ratio the input rectangle needed to grow to fit within the boundary rectangle.

Overloaded. Returns a rectangle where the TopLeft coordinate of the rectangle is above and to the left of the BottomRight coordinate of the rectangle.

Overloaded. Returns a rectangle where the TopLeft coordinate of the rectangle is above and to the left of the BottomRight coordinate of the rectangle.

Fills an ellipse on the canvas with a bevel to give the appearance of a 3D shape or 3D button

Draws a 3D rectangular button with bevels

Returns the point on the input rectangle at the specified connection point.
This function eases cross-library graphics code by using TCanvasXXX types and CanvasXXX functions. With these functions, types, and constants, you can write code that can be used in either a VCL or FMX application. It is recommended that you write the VCL code first as it is more limited that the FMX library.

Returns the height in pixels of a multiline text string.

Returns the point on the input rectangle at the specified connection point.

Overloaded. Returns size and origin of a rotated string

Overloaded. Returns size and origin of a rotated string

Returns the point on the input rectangle at the specified connection point.

Represents method GetToken(string,string,string).

Converts the string identifier to a canvas color. Returns true if the string can be converted to an identifier.
This function eases cross-library graphics code by using TCanvasXXX types and CanvasXXX functions. With these functions, types, and constants, you can write code that can be used in either a VCL or FMX application. It is recommended that you write the VCL code first as it is more limited that the FMX library.

Overloaded. Returns the center point of the triangle specified by the A, B, C points.

Overloaded. Returns the center point of the triangle specified by the A, B, C points.

Converts a position in a range of numbers to a color

Inverts the matrix.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Returns True if the input matrix equals the identity matrix.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Paints a rectangular portion of the canvas with a linear gradient specified by the colors array, either up-down or left-right.
LineGradient looks like a progress bar and can be used as such.

Creates a matrix from the input RiverSoftAVG TRSMatrix

Overloaded. Offsets the point by X and Y and returns the moved point.

Overloaded. Offsets the point in the direction specified by LineEndPt. The Dist parameters specifies the distance to move the point as a percentage (0=0%, 1=100%) of the distance between the input point and the line end point. The moved point is returned.

Overloaded. Offsets the point by X and Y and returns the moved point.

Overloaded. Offsets the point in the direction specified by LineEndPt. The Dist parameters specifies the distance to move the point as a percentage (0=0%, 1=100%) of the distance between the input point and the line end point. The moved point is returned.

Overloaded. Offsets or moves the rectangle by DX and DY. Returns true if the rectangle can be moved.

Overloaded. Returns true if the input point, Pt, is within the input polygon, Points.

Overloaded. Returns true if the point specified by the X and Y coordinates is within the input polygon, Points.

Overloaded. Returns true if the input point, Pt, is within the input polygon, Points.

Overloaded. Returns true if the point specified by the X and Y coordinates is within the input polygon, Points.

Overloaded. Returns true if the two points equal

Converts the input integer based polygon to a floating point based polygon.

Converts the input TPoint to a TRSPoint.

Draws a circular progress "bar" using a gradient. Similar to a progress bar, but in a circular orientation. Shapes are drawn on the perimeter of the circle up to the current progress position.

Draws a pie-shaped progress "bar" using a gradient. Similar to a progress bar, but in a Pie shape. Pie slices are drawn up to the current progress position.

Draws a rectangular progress bar using a gradient. Similar to a progress bar, either in vertical or horizontal orientation. Shapes are drawn up to the current progress position.

Overloaded. Returns true if the input point is inside the rectangle.

Overloaded. Returns true if the input point is inside the rectangle.

Paints a rectangular portion of the canvas with a gradient specified by the Colors array.

Converts the integer-based rectangle into a floating point-based rectangle.

Overloaded. Returns the center point of the input polygon

Overloaded. Returns the center point of the input rectangle.

Overloaded. Returns a point of on the input line segment. The Midpoint parameter specifies the percentage distance along the line segment to return a point. By default, the function returns the mid-point.

Overloaded. Returns the center point of the input polygon

Overloaded. Returns the center point of the input rectangle.

Returns the distance between two points or, equivalently, the length of the line segment specified by the two points.

Overloaded. Inflates the rectangle width and height by DX and DY. The rectangle is not moved and the center point stays the same.

Overloaded. Inflates the rectangle width and height by DX and DY. The rectangle is not moved and the center point stays the same.

Returns the intersection of two line segments in the IntersectionPt parameter: v1, v2 are first line segment v3, v4 are other line segment. The function returns true if the two line segments intersect.

Overloaded. Returns true if the two input rectangles, R1 and R2, intersect or overlap.

Overloaded. Returns true if the two input rectangles, R1 and R2, intersect or overlap.

Overloaded. Returns true if line segment inside the rectangle R or intersects a side of the rectangle. The line segment inside the rectangle is returned in the Pts parameter.

Overloaded. Returns true if the two input rectangles, R1 and R2, intersect or overlap.

Overloaded. Returns true if the two input rectangles, R1 and R2, intersect or overlap.

Creates a RiverSoftAVG matrix from the input TMatrix

Computes the determinant value for a square TRSMatrix in 2D-space.
The implementation of the linear algebraic expression for the determinant corresponds with the Laplace expansion formula.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Returns True if all the values of M1 and M2 matrices are the same, using the specified epsilon error threshold; it returns False otherwise.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Returns euler angles in radians.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Overloaded. Multiplies the value by the matrix, returning the transformed value.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Overloaded. Multiples the M1 matrix by the M2 matrix.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Overloaded. Multiplies the point by the matrix, returning the transformed point.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Overloaded. Multiplies the vector by the matrix, returning the transformed vector.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Returns rotation angle in degrees.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Returns the scaling values of the input matrix.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Overloaded. Transforms the rectangle by the input matrix and returns the new rectangle.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Overloaded. Transforms the vector by the matrix and returns the new vector
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Returns translation values of the input matrix.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Overloaded. Fixes the input rectangle so that the TopLeft coordinate of the rectangle is above and to the left of the BottomRight coordinate of the rectangle.

Overloaded. Fixes the input rectangle so that the TopLeft coordinate of the rectangle is above and to the left of the BottomRight coordinate of the rectangle.

Overloaded. Returns a point based on the input integer-based point.

Overloaded. Returns a point based on the input X and Y.

Overloaded. Creates a point from the input vector.

Converts the input floating point based polygon to an integer based polygon. The input points are rounded to the nearest integer coordinates.

Converts the input TRSPoint to a TCanvasPoint.

Converts the input TRSPoint to a TPoint.

Returns string representation of a point

Overloaded. Returns a rectangle created from the integer-based rectangle.

Overloaded. Returns a rectangle created from the Left, Top, Right, and Bottom coordinates.

Overloaded. Returns a rectangle created from two points that specify the Top/Left and Bottom/Right of the rectangle.

Overloaded. Returns a copy of the rectangle.

Overloaded. Returns the height of the rectangle

Overloaded. Returns the height of the rectangle

Converts the floating point-based rectangle into a integer-based rectangle.

Overloaded. Returns the width of the rectangle

Overloaded. Returns the width of the rectangle

Overloaded. Creates a vector from the point specified by X and Y, and the weight

Overloaded. Creates a vector from the specified point and the weight

Overloaded. Creates a RiverSoftAVG vector from the input TVector

Adds two given vectors. The vector given through the AFirstVector parameter is added to the vector given through the ASecondVector parameter.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Returns the arc cosine angle of the RSVectorAngleCosine of the two vectors.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Returns the scalar product of the two vectors. If the dot product would be greater than 1, the function returns 1.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Returns the cross product of two vectors. Given two linearly independent vectors v1 and v2, the cross product, v1 × v2, is a vector that is perpendicular to both v1 and v2 and therefore normal to the plane containing them.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Divides the vector by a value.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Returns the scalar product of the two vectors.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Returns the length of the current vector. The length is computed as square root of the norm of the vector.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Overloaded. Multiples the components of the vector by a number.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Overloaded. Multiples two given vectors. The vector given through the AFirstVector parameter is multipled by the vector given through the ASecondVector parameter.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Returns the norm of the current vector. The length is computed as sum of the squares of the vector components (i.e., X*X + Y*Y).
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Returns the normalized instance of the input vector.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Returns the reflection of the two vectors, i.e., V1 + V2 * (-2 * V1 . V2);
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Subtracts two given vectors. The vector given through the ASecondVector parameter is subtracted from the vector given through the AFirstVector parameter.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Overloaded. Scale the Points, or polygon, from the weighted center. The scaled polygon is returned.

Overloaded. Scale the Points, or polygon, from the weighted center. The scaled polygon is returned.

Overloaded. Inflates the rectangle width and height by DX and DY. The rectangle is not moved and the center point stays the same.

Overloaded. Inflates the rectangle width and height by DX and DY. The rectangle is not moved and the center point stays the same.

Scales the matrix by a factor.
This function is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Delphi which did not support methods on a record type. Use this function if you want your code to support older as well as newer versions of Delphi.

Converts the string label or hexidecimal string to a canvas color.
This function eases cross-library graphics code by using TCanvasXXX types and CanvasXXX functions. With these functions, types, and constants, you can write code that can be used in either a VCL or FMX application. It is recommended that you write the VCL code first as it is more limited that the FMX library.

Returns a point based on string representation

Creates a vector from the input RiverSoftAVG TRSVector

Overloaded. Draws multi-line text string to canvas, wrapping the text based on the delimiters specifed by BreakChars. The MaxWidth specifies the maximum width of each line.

Overloaded. Draws multi-line text string to canvas, wrapping the text on word boundaries. The MaxWidth specifies the maximum width of each line.