Maintains a last-in first-out (LIFO) array, or stack, of interfaces.
Use a TIStack object to store and maintain a last-in first-out list. The TIStack object descends from RSInterfaceCollections.TIQueue but modifies the behavior of the Peek and Pop methods to return the last item added to the list.
Namespace: RSInterfaceCollections
TIStack = class(TIQueue)

Returns the interface at the front of the queue. Call Peek to access the queue without removing an item. Peek returns the interface of the next item in the queue (that is, the earliest item added).
To remove an item from the queue, call RSInterfaceCollections.TIQueue.Pop.

Removes and returns the item at the front of the queue. Call Pop to retrieve an item from the queue. Pop removes the next item from the queue (that is, the earliest item added), then returns the interface of the deleted item.
To access the queue without removing an item, call RSInterfaceCollections.TIQueue.Peek .

Adds an item to the end of the queue. Call Push to add an item to the queue.
To retrieve items added with Push, call RSInterfaceCollections.TIQueue.Pop or RSInterfaceCollections.TIQueue.Peek .