Represents method CompactStringToSet(string).
Draw the SVG graphic element into the bitmap. The SVG is stretched to fill the bitmap so the bitmap should be resized properly beforehand. Use the ScaleSize method to figure out an appropriate size for the SVG element.
Draw the SVG to the canvas using the WrapMode and Scale
Finds and returns a class that is derived from RSSVG.TSVGElement .
Call FindSVGClass to locate a TSVGElement class type by name.
The FindSVGClass function searches the SVGClasses variable for a match given the class name. The TSVGElement class does not need to be registered to be found. If there is no match, an exception is raised.
Returns the SVG element type for the input class (based on RSSVG.SVGClasses variable)
Returns a RSSVG.TSVGElement-descendant class given its name.
Call GetSVGClass to obtain a TSVGElement class from a class name. This class can be used as a parameter to routines that require a class.
The GetSVGClass function searches the SVGClasses variable for a match given the class name. The TSVGElement class does not need to be registered to be found. If there is no match, the function returns nil.
Returns the rectangle based on the SVG, the input aRect (usually PaintBox1.ClientRect or something like that), and the WrapMode
Represents method SetToCompactString(TSVGStyleProperties).