Represents method AllItemsNotify(TObject,TSVGElement,TCollectionNotification).
Applies all styles that match the element to the element. All child elements also have their styles applied. (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGGraphicElement.ApplyStyles.)
Represents method Assign(TPersistent). (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGElement.Assign(TPersistent).)
Copies the properties of source to the current element (but not children) (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGCustomViewBox.AssignProperties(TPersistent).)
Calculates the Unit Factors based on the RSSVG.TSVGDocument.DPI property
Called when any property of the element changes (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGCustomGroup.Change(TSVGElement).)
Returns the set of allowable child SVG element types (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGElement.ChildSVGTypes.)
Clears the SVG element and resets its properties back to their defaults (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGCustomViewBox.Clear.)
Clones the element and all of its child elements. The aOwner parameter should be a different document (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGElement.Clone(TSVGDocument).)
Represents method DoAddStyle(String,String).
The method returns true if the appearance of disabled elements (Enabled = False) should be changed.
The RSSVG.TSVGGraphicElement.DisableAppearance(TSVGMatrix,TSVGCanvas,TSVGRect) method does the actual modification of the element's appearance.
This method is called just before drawing the current element and its children. The method is called after the canvas brush, pen, font, clipping, etc are set up but before the actual drawing.
It exposes the OnDrawing event.
This function returns True if the current element should be drawn. If the function returns False, the current element will not be drawn. However, its children's draw methods will still be called.
This method is called just after drawing the current element and its children. The method is called after drawing the current element and its children but before the canvas is returned to its initial state.
It exposes the OnDraw event.
This method is called when an SVG element is found at the specified position during an RSSVG.TSVGElement.ElementAtPos(TSVGCanvas,TSVGPoint,TSVGRect,TSVGFindOptions) method call.
The method fires the OnElementFound event.
Called when an OnParsedNode event should fire (i.e., just after the node is parsed to set the properties of the svg element) (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGElement.DoOnParsedNode(TSVGElement).)
Called when an OnParsingNode event should fire (i.e., just before the node is parsed to set the properties of the svg element) (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGElement.DoOnParsingNode(TSVGElement,IXMLNode).)
Called when an OnSavingElement event should fire (i.e., just after the svg element's properties are written to the node) (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGElement.DoOnSavedElement(TSVGElement,IXMLNode).)
Called when an OnSavingElement event should fire (i.e., just before the svg element's properties are written to the node) (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGElement.DoOnSavingElement(TSVGElement,IXMLNode).)
This method saves the properties of the svg element to the xml node.
This method does the work for the current svg element only.
Overloaded. Represents method DoShouldDraw(TSVGElement,Boolean).
Draw the SVG to the specified canvas inside the specified rectangle. The matrix parameter specifies the cumulative transformations from the Parent element (and its Parents) to apply when drawing the element. (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGCustomViewBox.Draw(TSVGMatrix,TSVGCanvas,TSVGRect).)
Overloaded. Draw the sibling svg elements (and their children) of the specified element (i.e., the elements that have the same parent but are after the specified element in the parent's Items property) to the specified canvas inside the specified rectangle.
No ancestors are drawn. The svg sibling elements are drawn where they would be if the entire SVG was drawn.
Overloaded. Draw the sibling svg elements (and their children) of the specified element (i.e., the elements that have the same parent but are after the specified element in the parent's Items property) to the specified canvas inside the specified rectangle.
No ancestors are drawn. The svg sibling elements are drawn where they would be if the entire SVG was drawn.
Overloaded. Draw the sibling svg elements (and their children) of the specified element (i.e., the elements that have the same parent but are before the specified element in the parent's Items property) to the specified canvas inside the specified rectangle.
The ancestors of the specified element are also drawn. The svg sibling elements are drawn where they would be if the entire SVG was drawn.
Overloaded. Draw the sibling svg elements (and their children) of the specified element (i.e., the elements that have the same parent but are before the specified element in the parent's Items property) to the specified canvas inside the specified rectangle.
The ancestors of the specified element are also drawn. The svg sibling elements are drawn where they would be if the entire SVG was drawn.
Overloaded. Draw the svg element and its children to the specified canvas inside the specified rectangle.
No ancestors or siblings are drawn. The svg element is drawn where it would be if the entire SVG was drawn.
Overloaded. Draw the svg element and its children to the specified canvas inside the specified rectangle.
No ancestors or siblings are drawn. The svg element is drawn where it would be if the entire SVG was drawn.
This method is called when an element is added or removed from the RSSVG.TSVGElement.Items property (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGElement.ElementNotification(TObject,TSVGElement,TCollectionNotification).)
Represents method GetOptions. (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGElement.GetOptions.)
Returns unit factors array, which specifies the unit factors for conversion of different units into pixel units. For example, if the input string contains '1cm', the function uses the UnitFactors variable of this type to know how large a centimeter is. (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGGraphicElement.GetUnitFactors.)
Returns a transformation matrix for viewing this element (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGCustomViewBox.GetViewMatrix(TSVGMatrix,TSVGRect).)
Returns true if the svg XML should be made as small as possible when exporting the svg element as XML (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGElement.IsCompactXML.)
Overloaded. Returns True if the Text contains a valid SVG
The StrictVerification parameter controls how the text is validated. If false (the default), the function quickly checks if the text contains well-formed XML and has a < svg> node. If true, the function parses the text entirely and sees if there are any errors (much slower but more thorough)
Overloaded. Returns True if the file is a valid SVG
The StrictVerification parameter controls how the XML document is validated. If false (the default), the function quickly checks if the XML document has a <svg> node. If true, the function parses the entire XML document and sees if there are any errors (much slower but more thorough)
Overloaded. Returns True if the file is a valid SVG
The StrictVerification parameter controls how the file is validated. If false (the default), the function quickly checks if the file contains well-formed XML and has a < svg> node. If true, the function parses the file entirely and sees if there are any errors (much slower but more thorough)
Overloaded. Returns True if the stream contains a valid SVG
The StrictVerification parameter controls how the stream is validated. If false (the default), the function quickly checks if the stream contains well-formed XML and has a < svg> node. If true, the function parses the stream entirely and sees if there are any errors (much slower but more thorough)
Load the SVG from a Delphi binary object file
Load the SVG from a stream. The stream should be a Delphi binary stream
Load the SVG from a svg xml file
Load the SVG from a stream. The stream should contain the SVG as XML
Load the SVG from an XML string
Overloaded. Load the SVG from a XML document interface
Overloaded. Load the SVG from a XML node. The XML node local name must be 'svg' (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGGraphicElement.LoadFromXML(IXMLNode).)
Reads the specified node and sets properties on the current TSVGGraphicElement. This method is meant to read child nodes that do not represent TSVGGraphicElements in the svg hierarchy. For example, it can read a child node that represents the Description property of the current svg element. (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGCustomGroup.ReadChild(IXMLNode).)
Overloaded. Represents method ReadStyles(IXMLNode).
Overloaded. Read a CSS style and add it to the RSSVG.TSVGDocument.Styles list
Saves the SVG document as Delphi binary object to the specified file. This function is faster than SaveToStream but is not compatible with any other software
Saves the SVG document to the specified stream as a Delphi binary object. This function is faster than SaveToStream but is not compatible with any other software
Saves the SVG document as XML to the specified file.
The RSSVG.TSVGDocument.Options property helps control how the SVG XML file is generated. The soExportUnknownXML option specifies to output any XML that was read and not understood when the SVG was previously loaded. The soCompactExport option specifies that the XML should be made as compact as possible: don't export inherited values or default values.
Saves the SVG document as XML to the specified stream.
The RSSVG.TSVGDocument.Options property helps control how the SVG XML file is generated. The soExportUnknownXML option specifies to output any XML that was read and not understood when the SVG was previously loaded. The soCompactExport option specifies that the XML should be made as compact as possible: don't export inherited values or default values.
Overloaded. Saves the SVG document to the specified IXMLDocument.
The RSSVG.TSVGDocument.Options property helps control how the SVG XML file is generated. The soExportUnknownXML option specifies to output any XML that was read and not understood when the SVG was previously loaded. The soCompactExport option specifies that the XML should be made as compact as possible: don't export inherited values or default values.
Represents method StyleNotify(TObject,TSVGStyle,TCollectionNotification).
Returns True if the RSCL supports the feature specified by the string
The feature parameter should be in the RSSVGTypes|SVGFeatures constant
Returns True if the Language parameter contains at least one language supported by the current locale (if soUseLocaleForLanguage in Options) or by the PreferredLanguage property
Returns the SVG element type of the class (Overrides RSSVG.TSVGCustomGroup.SVGType.)
Represents method UpdateElementLists.