Close the help window

Fills a tree view with a class hierarchy which is defined by the TStrings as TClass=TAncestorClass

Creates child menu items of the MenuItem for every string in the Strs TStrings parameter.

Overloaded. Displays an html help window based on a help file.

Overloaded. Displays a help window and optional topic based on a registry key for the location of the help file, e.g.,
DisplayHelpWindow( '\Software\RiverSoftAVG', '\help\IE.chm', 'InstallDir', 'html\hs1010' );

Overloaded. Displays an html help window based on a help file.

Finds and returns the node of the tree view where the Text property equals the Text parameter. If no match is found, the function returns nil.
The comparison is case-insensitive.

Overloaded. Finds and returns the tree node where the Caption property equals the Text parameter. The function searches all children of the tree until the first match is found. If no match is found, the function returns nil.

Overloaded. Finds and returns the tree node where the Data property equals the Data parameter. The function searches all children of the tree until the first match is found. If no match is found, the function returns nil.

Overloaded. Finds and returns the tree node where the Caption property equals the Text parameter. The function searches all children of the Item parameter, all of their children, etc until the first match is found. If no match is found, the function returns nil.

Overloaded. Finds and returns the tree node where the Data property equals the Data parameter. The function searches all children of the Item parameter, all of their children, etc until the first match is found. If no match is found, the function returns nil.

Represents method HaveNagged(String).

Returns true if Delphi is running. Used for evaluation components.

Returns true if any submenu under the menu item is visible, excluding separator bars.

Shows the nag message if Delphi is running and the nag message has not been previously shown this application session.

Overloaded. Sorts an entire TStringGrid based on the text in the SortCol column.

Overloaded. Sorts a range of rows of a TStringGrid based on the text in the SortCol column.