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public method


Represents method Assign(TPersistent). (Overrides FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSHighLowAverageChart.Assign(TPersistent).)

protected method


Creates the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues class for the   Values property

alert_noteNotes to Inheritors

Override this method to create your TRSChartValues descendant

public method


Creates sample values for illustrating how the chart will look. This function is automatically called at design-time to fill the chart with sample values. It can also be called at run-time to add more values to the chart (i.e., the chart is not cleared first)


Set the Preview property to false to have the design-time sample values show up at run-time

public method


Represents method DrawGlyph(TCanvas,TRSChartValue,TCanvasRect). (Overrides FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSHighLowAverageChart.DrawGlyph(TCanvas,TRSChartValue,TCanvasRect).)

protected method


Draw the High/Low/Average Bar Shape (Overrides FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSHighLowAverageChart.DrawHLABar(TCanvas,TCanvasRect,TRSHighLowAverageChartValue,Boolean).)

protected method


Returns the bar style of the value (Overrides FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSCustomBarChart.GetBarStyle(TRSBarChartValue).)

public methodClass member


Returns the chart type enumerated value for this class. Each chart class overrides this class function to return the RSChartConsts|TRSChartType enumerated value (Overrides FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSHighLowAverageChart.GetChartType.)

public method


Returns the color of the chart value. The color of the TRSChartValue can change depending on the   Options property as well as any other chart states (e.g., the TRSCandleStickChart class overrides this method to turn the color red or green depending on if the Open value is greater than the Closing Value) (Overrides FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChart.GetColor(TRSChartValue).)

protected method


Initialize the OnChange events of structures. Use this method to assign event handlers for structures (e.g., Pen.OnChange := MyChangeMethod).

alert_noteNotes to Inheritors

The constructor calls this method after it calls the InitializeChart method, which is where the structures should be actually created and initialized.

protected method


Creates and initialize structures and values of chart. This method is the safe place to initialize chart values without change events occurring.

alert_noteNotes to Inheritors

The constructor calls this method. Use this method to actually create and initialize properties. Do not assign event properties in this method (use the InitializeChangeEvents method instead)

protected method


Represents method SetCanvasResources(TCanvas,TRSChartValue,Boolean,Boolean). (Overrides FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSCustomChart.SetCanvasResources(TCanvas,TRSChartValue,Boolean,Boolean).)


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RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) © 2005-2015, Thomas G. Grubb