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Defines the collection of all candlesticks in a candlestick chart. A high/low/average bar chart is made up of a collection of bars ( FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSHighLowAverageChartValue ), where each TRSCandleStickChartValue defines the information for one candlestick for the chart. The TRSCandleStickChartValue class defines the common properties to all candlesticks, including X, Value, High, Low, Average, Open, Close, Caption, and Color. The TRSCandleStickChartValues collection defines the common properties to all bar candlesticks, such as DimensionCount, MaxValues, and MinValues.

Note that the TRSCandleStickChartValues collection provides built-in support for limiting the number of values in the collection (using the Limit property).

Namespace: FMX.RS.BarCharts

expandingInheritance Hierarchy




  TRSCandleStickChartValues = class(TRSHighLowAverageChartValues)





public constant


Represents constant AverageDim. (Inherited from FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSHighLowAverageChartValues.)

public constant


Represents constant CloseDim.

public constant


Represents constant HighDim. (Inherited from FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSHighLowAverageChartValues.)

public constant


Represents constant LowDim. (Inherited from FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSHighLowAverageChartValues.)

public constant


Represents constant OpenDim.

public constant


Represents constant XDim. (Inherited from FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSHighLowAverageChartValues.)

public constant


Represents constant YDim. (Inherited from FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSSparseBarChartValues.)






public property


Returns the sum of the absolute values of the first dimension of the values in the chart. The   AbsSums property returns the absolute sum for any dimension in the chart (see   DimensionCount for more details).
 (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

public property


Returns the summation of the absolute values for every dimension of the TRSChartValues in the chart. Use the     DimensionCount property to determine the number of dimensions in the chart value collection. This property is part of the metadata that the collection tracks about the chart values.

A chart value, depending on the chart type, can contain 1 or more dimensional values that define the chart value. For example, each chart value in a bar chart contains 1 value (defining the height of the bar), line chart values contains 2 dimensions: X and Y, and shape chart values contain 4 dimensions: X, Y, Width, and Height. See the Values and ValueCount properties of the TRSChartValue item for more information.

published property


Specifies the axes that should be considered datetime values. The property controls which dimensions should be labeled as a date time or a regular floating point number. When this property includes an axis, all the labels for the chart will be drawn as a Date + Time (controlled by the DateTimeFormat of the axis). (Inherited from FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSSparseBarChartValues.)

public property


Returns the     Values dimension that contains the default dimension or key dimension, i.e., the dimension that is most important to a chart. For 1D charts, like a pie chart, this value is 0. For 2D charts, this dimension is usually 1.

Use the     TimeDimension and the     DefaultDimension to find out the "important" dimensions of the TRSChartValue descendant.


The FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue.Value property uses this property to figure out which Values dimension to get or set.

public property


Returns the number of dimensions each Value ( FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue ) will have in the chart.

A chart value, depending on the chart type, can contain 1 or more dimensional values that define the chart value. For example, each chart value in a bar chart contains 1 value (defining the height of the bar), line chart values contains 2 dimensions: X and Y, and shape chart values contain 4 dimensions: X, Y, Width, and Height. The number of dimensions in a chart is defined when the TRSChartValues collection is created. Every time a TRSChartValue item is created, its Values property will be initialized to the size of DimensionCount.

protected property


Represents property DoNotNotify. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected property


Specifies that at least one TRSChartValue in the collection has had a Caption assigned to it. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

public property


Controls whether the first (or only) dimension should be labeled as a date time or a regular floating point number. When this property is set to True, all the labels for this chart will be drawn as a Date + Time (controlled by the   DateTimeFormat of the axis).
 (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

public property


Lists the values in the chart. Use Items to access individual value in the collection. The value of the Index parameter corresponds to the Index property of FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue . It represents the position of the value in the collection.

The Items property is the default property for the class. You can access this property with the abbreviation Values[index], which is equivalent to Values.Items[index].

published property


Limits the number of values (or FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValue items) in the collection. It provides the chart the ability to limit its size automatically as values are added.

Once the Count property equals the Limit property, every time you Add another value, the 0-th value is deleted. This property makes it easy to ensure your chart values do not grow unbounded and creates an automatic sliding window display ofthe Limit number of points. Note that this is not necessarily the last Limit number of points added, as sorting the values (Sorted) can make which value is deleted unpredictable.

If you want an unlimited number of chart values, set Limit to RSChartConsts|NoLimit .

public property


Returns the maximum value of the first dimension of the values in the chart. The   MaxValues property returns the maximum value for any dimension in the chart (see   DimensionCount for more details).
 (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

public property


Returns the maximum value for every dimension of the TRSChartValues in the chart. Use the     DimensionCount property to determine the number of dimensions in the chart value collection. This property is part of the metadata that the collection tracks about the chart values.

A chart value, depending on the chart type, can contain 1 or more dimensional values that define the chart value. For example, each chart value in a bar chart contains 1 value (defining the height of the bar), line chart values contains 2 dimensions: X and Y, and shape chart values contain 4 dimensions: X, Y, Width, and Height. See the Values and ValueCount properties of the TRSChartValue item for more information.

public property


Returns the minimum value of the first dimension of the values in the chart. The   MinValues property returns the maximum value for any dimension in the chart (see   DimensionCount for more details).
 (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

public property


Returns the minimum value for every dimension of the TRSChartValues in the chart. Use the     DimensionCount property to determine the number of dimensions in the chart value collection. This property is part of the metadata that the collection tracks about the chart values.

A chart value, depending on the chart type, can contain 1 or more dimensional values that define the chart value. For example, each chart value in a bar chart contains 1 value (defining the height of the bar), line chart values contains 2 dimensions: X and Y, and shape chart values contain 4 dimensions: X, Y, Width, and Height. See the Values and ValueCount properties of the TRSChartValue item for more information.

protected property


Signals that metadata is out of date and needs to be recalculated by calling the CalculateMetaData method (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected property


Specifies the number of dimensions the TRSChartValue's have. The number of dimensions specify the size of the   TRSChartValue.Values property and corresponds to all the floating point properties of a value (e.g., X, Y, Z, Width, Height, Size, etc). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

public property


Returns the number of   selected values in the collection (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

published property


Represents property SortByDimension. (Inherited from FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSSparseBarChartValues.)

published property


Controls whether the values of the chart are sorted or not.

Set the Sorted property to True to force all values to be sorted in the collection based on the     SortByDimension and     SortOrder properties. When this property is False, the values are in the order that they were added or inserted into the collection (see Add or Insert methods).

published property


Controls whether the items are sorted in ascending or descending order. The FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.SortByDimension property controls which values are used to do the sorting. The FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.Sorted property controls whether the items will be sorted at all. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

public property


Returns the summation of the first dimension of the values in the chart. The   Sums property returns the summation for any dimension in the chart (see   DimensionCount for more details).
 (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

public property


Returns the summation of the values for every dimension of the TRSChartValues in the chart. Use the     DimensionCount property to determine the number of dimensions in the chart value collection. This property is part of the metadata that the collection tracks about the chart values.

A chart value, depending on the chart type, can contain 1 or more dimensional values that define the chart value. For example, each chart value in a bar chart contains 1 value (defining the height of the bar), line chart values contains 2 dimensions: X and Y, and shape chart values contain 4 dimensions: X, Y, Width, and Height. See the Values and ValueCount properties of the TRSChartValue item for more information.

public property


Returns the     Values dimension that contains the time/x/horizontal dimension. For 1D charts, like a pie chart, this value is unassigned (DIMENSION_UNASSIGNED). For 2D charts, this dimension is usually 0.

Use the     TimeDimension and the     DefaultDimension to find out the "important" dimensions of the TRSChartValue descendant.

public property


Returns the number of visible values in the collection (   Visible = True) (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)






public method


Overloaded.  Creates a new FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSCandleStickChartValue instance and adds it to the Items array. Call Add to create a candlestickr value in the collection. The new value is placed at the end of the Items array, or, if the collection is Sorted, placed at the sorted point in the collection (based on a default value (0)).

Add returns the new candlestick value.

Note that because every time you change a value an event is called, it is faster to add and initialize a value using the overloaded Add method.

public method


Overloaded.  Creates a new FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSCandleStickChartValue instance and adds it to the Items array. The new instance is initialized with the X, Close, Caption, and Color parameters. (Open is set to previous value's Close, and High, Low, Average, are set to Close). Call Add to create a candlestickr value in the collection. The new value is placed at the end of the Items array, or, if the collection is Sorted, placed at the sorted point in the collection (based on a default value (0)).

Add returns the new candlestick value.

public method


Overloaded.  Creates a new FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSBarChartValue instance and adds it to the Items array. The new instance is initialized with the Value, Caption, Color, and ImageIndex parameters. The Value parameter is assigned to the first dimension of the TRSBarChartValues.Values property. Call Add to create a bar value in the collection. The new value is placed at the end of the Items array, or, if the collection is Sorted, placed at the sorted point in the collection (based on a default value (0)).

Add returns the new bar value.

public method


Overloaded.  Creates a new FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSSparseBarChartValue instance and adds it to the Items array. The new instance is initialized with the X, Y, Caption, and Color parameters. Call Add to create a bar value in the collection. The new value is placed at the end of the Items array, or, if the collection is Sorted, placed at the sorted point in the collection (based on a default value (0)).

Add returns the new bar value.

public method


Overloaded.  Creates a new FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSHighLowAverageChartValue instance and adds it to the Items array. The new instance is initialized with the X, High, Low, Caption, and Color parameters (Average = (High-Low)/2+Low). Call Add to create a high/low/average bar value in the collection. The new value is placed at the end of the Items array, or, if the collection is Sorted, placed at the sorted point in the collection (based on a default value (0)).

Add returns the new bar value.

public method


Overloaded.  Creates a new FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSCandleStickChartValue instance and adds it to the Items array. The new instance is initialized with the X, Close, High, Low, Caption, and Color parameters (Open is set to previous value's Close and Average=Low+(High-Low)/2). Call Add to create a candlestickr value in the collection. The new value is placed at the end of the Items array, or, if the collection is Sorted, placed at the sorted point in the collection (based on a default value (0)).

Add returns the new candlestick value.

public method


Overloaded.  Creates a new FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSCandleStickChartValue instance and adds it to the Items array. The new instance is initialized with the X, Open, Close, High, Low, Caption, and Color parameters (Average=Low+(High-Low)/2). Call Add to create a candlestickr value in the collection. The new value is placed at the end of the Items array, or, if the collection is Sorted, placed at the sorted point in the collection (based on a default value (0)).

Add returns the new candlestick value.

public method


Overloaded.  Creates a new FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSCandleStickChartValue instance and adds it to the Items array. The new instance is initialized with the X, Open, Close, High, Low, Average, Caption, and Color parameters. Call Add to create a candlestickr value in the collection. The new value is placed at the end of the Items array, or, if the collection is Sorted, placed at the sorted point in the collection (based on a default value (0)).

Add returns the new candlestick value.

public method


Overloaded.  Creates a new TRSChartValue instance and adds it to the Items array. The new instance is initialized with the Values, Caption, and Color parameters. Call Add to create a value in the collection. The new value is placed at the end of the Items array, or, if the collection is Sorted, placed at the sorted point in the collection (based on a default value (0)).

Add returns the new value.

public method


Appends the Source values to the current collection (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

public method


Represents method Assign(TPersistent). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected method


Represents method AssignTo(TPersistent). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected method


Calculates the metadata (e.g., minimums, maximums, summations, and absolute summations) for the entire values collection, for all dimensions.

The metadata is recalculated when values change and the NeedMetaData property is set to true.

public method


Creates a copy of the values collection. This is a "deep" copy, e.g., all items and their properties are copied. The new collection is returned. The Owner of the collection is the same as the current collection's Owner . Note, you are responsible for freeing the clone. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

public method


Sorts the current values collection using the supplied comparison function. Use CustomSort when you want to perform a special type of sorting on the values collection. You need to define a function based on the FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TValuesSortCompare signature.

If you want to do normal sorting, just call the     Sort method.

public method


Returns the Index of the Item that is closest to the Value parameter. FindClosest uses the Values in the sorted dimension (   SortByDimension) to determine the nearest value. If the collection is not sorted, this function returns -1. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

public method


Returns the Item with the specified ID. The FindItemID method returns the item in the collection whose ID property is passed to it as a parameter. If no item has the specified ID, FindItemID returns nil.

protected method


Represents method GetAbsSum(Integer). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

public method


Returns the maximum value in the collection for the specified dimension. (Overrides FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSSparseBarChartValues.GetAxisMaximum(Integer).)

public method


Returns the minimum value in the collection for the specified dimension. (Overrides FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSSparseBarChartValues.GetAxisMinimum(Integer).)

public method


Returns the enumerator for the collection, which is used when you write a "for Item in Chart.Values" loop.

protected method


Represents method GetIsDateTime. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected method


Represents method GetMaxValue(Integer). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected method


Represents method GetMinValue(Integer). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected method


Represents method GetSortByDimension. (Overrides FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.GetSortByDimension.)

protected method


Represents method GetSum(Integer). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected method


Returns the maximum value for the dimension. This may be modified by other values. For example, the shape value modifies the X value by adding the width value. This method is called by the   CalculateMetaData method.

alert_noteNotes to Inheritors

Override this method if you need to return a maximum value for a dimension that is depends on other factors than just the value in TRSChartValue.Values[Dimension]. For example, the TRSCandleStickChartValues class overrides this method for the Y dimension because the Y dimension is bounded by the High Dimension and Low Dimension, not the Close value.

You will probably also need to override the       SetMetaData method to set the new maximum.

protected method


Returns the minimum value for the dimension. This may be modified by other values. For example, the shape value modifies the X value by adding the width value. This method is called by the   CalculateMetaData method.

alert_noteNotes to Inheritors

Override this method if you need to return a minimum value for a dimension that is depends on other factors than just the value in TRSChartValue.Values[Dimension]. For example, the TRSCandleStickChartValues class overrides this method for the Y dimension because the Y dimension is bounded by the High Dimension and Low Dimension, not the Close value.

You will probably also need to override the       SetMetaData method to set the new minimum.

public method


Returns the Index of the Item that contains the Value parameter (or close to the Value parameter) for the specifed Dimension. If the Collection is sorted by the specified Dimension, IndexOf calls the   FindClosest method. However, if the collection is not sorted or not sorted by the specified Dimension, the method iterates through the collection looking for a value that is approximately equal to the specified Value. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

public method


Creates a new instance and adds it to the Items array. Call Insert to add a new value at a specified position in the collection. Existing items (starting from the specified position) are moved up in the Items array. Note that Insert only works as expected if the collection is not     Sorted.

Insert returns the new collection value.

protected method


Represents method Loaded. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected method


Represents method Notify(Classes,Classes). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

public method


Returns the chart that owns the values

protected method


Represents method QuickSort(Integer,Integer,TValuesSortCompare). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

public method


Selects all values in the collection (TRSChartValue.Selected is set to true) (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected method


Represents method SelectionChanged(TRSChartValue). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

public method


Deselects all values in the collection (TRSChartValue.Selected is set to false) (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected method


Represents method SetCount(Integer). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected method


Represents method SetIsDateTime(Boolean). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected method


Sets the metadata (min, max, sum, etc) by using the TRSChartValue.Values property. The Dimension parameter specifies the dimension to use in the Values property. This method is called by the   CalculateMetaData method when it finds a value "better" than the current metadata value (e.g., less than current minimum)

alert_noteNotes to Inheritors

This method is often overridden when you need to override the     GetValueDimMinimum and     GetValueDimMaximum methods.

public method


Sorts the current values collection based on the   SortByDimension. You can do custom sorts by using the   CustomSort method. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected method


Represents method Update(TCollectionItem). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected method


Represents method ValueChanged(TRSChartValue,Integer). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected method


Represents method VisibleChanged(TRSChartValue). (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)






public event


Occurs when a TRSChartValue is added, extracted, or removed from the collection. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)






protected field


Represents field FAbsSum. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected field


Represents field FDefaultDimension. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected field


Represents field FDiff. (Inherited from FMX.RS.BarCharts.TRSSparseBarChartValues.)

protected field


Represents field FMaxValue. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected field


Represents field FMinValue. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected field


Represents field FSum. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)

protected field


Represents field FTimeDimension. (Inherited from FMX.RS.ChartPanel.TRSChartValues.)


expandingSee Also

RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) © 2005-2015, Thomas G. Grubb