Defines where on the pie chart the first pie slice starts. By default (Offset = 0), the pie chart draws the first pie slice starting to the right (3:00 on a clock) and goes counter-clockwise. By specifying a different offset from 0 to 359, the first pie slice will start somewhere else on the clock (90=12:00, 180=9:00, etc).
Namespace: FMX.RS.Charts
property Offset: Integer read FOffset write SetOffset default 0;
Property Value
Type: Integer
The following code adds 3 pie slices to the chart:
Value: TRSPieChartValue; // note, this type should be the same that the chart uses (e.g., TRS2DChartValue, TRSArrowChartValue, etc)
// Add first point
Value := RSPieChart1.Values.Add;
Value.Color := clRed;
Value.Value := 10.0;
// Add second point, twice as large as first
Value := RSPieChart1.Values.Add;
Value.Color := clGreen;
Value.Value := 20.0;
// Add third point, twice as large as second
Value := RSPieChart1.Values.Add;
Value.Color := clNavy;
Value.Value := 40.0;
// Draw the pie slices starting at 12:00 and go counter-clockwise
RSPieChart1.Offset := 90;