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protected property


Specifies the InnerRadius of the donut slice as a percentage of the full radius (e.g., (0 =0% to 1=100%). For Pie Charts, this InnerRadius is 0 (i.e., draw a pie slice instead of a donut slice).

published property


Defines where on the pie chart the first pie slice starts. By default (Offset = 0), the pie chart draws the first pie slice starting to the right (3:00 on a clock) and goes counter-clockwise. By specifying a different offset from 0 to 359, the first pie slice will start somewhere else on the clock (90=12:00, 180=9:00, etc).

published property


Represents property Options.

published property


Specifies the origin of the pie chart as a percentage distance (0 =0% to 1=100%) from the middle of the ChartRect. Change the Origin to move the center point of the chart (-0.5 to 0.5 are best values).

published property


Specifies the OuterRadius of the Pie Slice as a percentage of the full radius (0=0% to 1=100%)

published property


Contains all the pie slices in the pie chart. Each pie slice ( FMX.RS.Charts.TRSPieChartValue ) may have its own Color and Caption. The size of the pie slice is dependent on the Value, e.g., how much that value is proportional to the sum of all pie slice values in the pie chart. Use the Values collection to add, delete, and modify pie slices in the chart.


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RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) © 2005-2015, Thomas G. Grubb