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public property


Returns the active chart in the chart list.

The ActiveChart is the most important chart in the chart list. It is used by the RSChartPanel.TRSChartAxis class to determine the LabelStyle and if it is IsDateTime axis. It is also used by the legend ( RSChartPanel.TRSChartLegend). The ActiveChart must be a visible chart.

public property


Provides direct access to the charts in the list. Use Items to directly access a chart in the list. Index identifies each chart by its position in the list.

Items is the default property of TRSChartList. That means you can omit the property name. Thus, instead of writing ChartList.Items[i], you can write ChartList[i]

public property


Returns the number of visible charts in the list (e.g., RSChartPanel.TRSCustomChart.Visible is true) that should be shown in a legend (coShowInLegend in Options)

public property


Returns the number of visible charts in the list (e.g., RSChartPanel.TRSCustomChart.Visible is true).

public property


Returns the chart panel that owns the chart list. If the chart list is part of a chart axis ( RSChartPanel.TRSChartAxis), this property returns nil.


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RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) © 2005-2015, Thomas G. Grubb