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Returns the number of dimensions each Value ( RSChartPanel.TRSChartValue ) will have in the chart.

A chart value, depending on the chart type, can contain 1 or more dimensional values that define the chart value. For example, each chart value in a bar chart contains 1 value (defining the height of the bar), line chart values contains 2 dimensions: X and Y, and shape chart values contain 4 dimensions: X, Y, Width, and Height. The number of dimensions in a chart is defined when the TRSChartValues collection is created. Every time a TRSChartValue item is created, its Values property will be initialized to the size of DimensionCount.

Namespace: RSChartPanel



  property DimensionCount: Integer read FNumDimensions;

Property Value

Type: Integer


The following example displays the metadata for a chart in a memo:


   i: Integer;
   for i := 0 to Chart1.Values.DimensionCount - 1 do
     Memo1.Lines.Add('Dimension '+IntToStr(i));
     Memo1.Lines.Add('     Sum of the absolute values: '+FloatToStr(Chart1.Values.AbsSums[i]));
     Memo1.Lines.Add('     Sum of the values: '+FloatToStr(Chart1.Values.Sums[i]));
     Memo1.Lines.Add('     Minimum value: '+FloatToStr(Chart1.Values.MinValues[i]));
     Memo1.Lines.Add('     Maximum value: '+FloatToStr(Chart1.Values.MaxValues[i]));

expandingSee Also

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RiverSoftAVG Charting Component Suite (RCCS) © 2005-2015, Thomas G. Grubb